But Seek His Kingdom

Feb 19, 2006

Luke 12:22-34


 But Seek His Kingdom

Luke 12:22-34

Key Verse 12:31

In this passage Jesus teaches his disciples to seek what is best for them, that is, God's kingdom. 

1. Read verses 22-30. About what does Jesus say not to worry? What does "worry" mean? Are all "worries" bad? Why should we not worry about these things? 

** About: 1) life, what to eat (this could take on different types of worry, such as paying the bills)

2) body, what to wear (such as where to live, when to buy a house, etc.)

** Worry -
1 dialect British :  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/choke" CHOKE,  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/strangle" STRANGLE
2 a : to harass by tearing, biting, or snapping especially at the throat b : to shake or pull at with the teeth <a terrier worrying a rat> c : to touch or disturb something repeatedly d : to change the position of or adjust by repeated pushing or hauling
3 a : to assail with rough or aggressive attack or treatment :  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/torment" TORMENT b : to subject to persistent or nagging attention or effort
4 : to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious
intransitive senses
1 dialect British :  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/strangle" STRANGLE,  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/choke" CHOKE
2 : to move, proceed, or progress by unceasing or difficult effort :  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/struggle" STRUGGLE
3 : to feel or experience concern or anxiety :  HYPERLINK "http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/fret" FRET

** All worries are bad if they hurt you. 

** 1) v. 23: life is more than food, body more than clothes.

2) God feeds (as he does ravens) and clothes (as he does lilies) you. 

3) By worrying we cannot add a single hour to our life.

2. Think about Jesus' words in verses 22-30 again. Although Jesus says, "do not worry", why do people keep "worrying"?

** They do not trust God. [Little faith is no different than no faith.] 

3. Read verses 31-32. What does it mean to "seek his kingdom"? Why should we seek his kingdom? 

** Kingdom = king's domain; domain - a place or territory such as our heart, mind, or any physical space. King = the sovereign ruler; His kingdom means God's kingdom. So seeking his kingdom means seeking to build the rule of God. It denotes all efforts to ensure that God rules in your life, both inside out. 

** It is better for us because as we seek God, God provides for us. It denotes the life that acknowledges God as the boss, so we serve him, doing managing our financial or spiritual concerns all according to God's precepts. The bottom line is God knows better than we do.  

4. Read verses 33-34. How are the following statements related to one another? 1) Sell your possessions and give to the poor; 2) Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out...; and 3) where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

** There is progression of an idea, that is, the statement no. 1 is to serve the purpose (providing purses), which in turn is  designed to serve the ultimate stage of purpose mentioned in the statement no. 3. 

Consider the flow that begins from the previous verse, that is, v. 32. 

1) One seeks God's kingdom; 2) God provides you with everything in abundance; 3) you share what you received with the poor; 4) God provides purses for you (life-security), and 5) life overflows. 

** Write down one thing you learned (especially about Jesus' emphasis on the importance of 'life') and share it with others. 



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