Enter through the Narrow Door

Mar 19, 2006

Luke 13:18-30

Enter Through the Narrow Door��

 Enter Through the Narrow Door

        Luke 13:18-30

        Key Verse 13:24

In verses 18-21 Jesus gave two allegories on the kingdom of God. What do they have in common? What do the following expressions teach us about the way to see the kingdom growing (or working) in one’s heart? 1) a man ‘took’ and ‘planted’ in ‘his’ garden; and 2) a woman ‘took’ and ‘mixed’ into a large amount of flour ‘until’ it worked all through the dough.” 

** The growing power of the gospel (in external quantity like the mustard seed growing and in internal quality like the yeast working through the dough inside)

** We must do our own homework, that is, to accept the seed of the gospel and let it grow within us (or work through us until it fully changes us). 

Verse 22 says that Jesus made his way to Jerusalem. Why did Jesus make “his way” to “Jerusalem”? (Luke 9:51; 12:50; 13:18-21,24)

** He was determined to go there in obedience to God’s will so that through His obedience the way of salvation would be opened for us.  By dying on the cross and offering himself as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, all those who turn to Christ could be invited to God’s kingdom. 

In verse 23 someone asked Jesus about salvation. What is salvation? How can a person be saved? (Acts 4:10-12; 16:30-31; Romans 1:16-17; 6:23)

** Salvation refers to the life that is in the presence of God. (Luke 13:29) 

** Through faith in Jesus Christ

Think about Jesus’ answer in verses 24-30. The expression “many will not be able to” indicates that indeed many will not be saved. Why? (24. 25b, 27)

** It is because they do not make “every” effort to enter through the narrow door. They “try” for a while but when the going gets tough they give up. 

Compare the question in verse 23 and Jesus’ answer in verses 28-29. Will the number of the saved be a few or many? 

** Many (Gen 15:5)

Verse 28 mentions Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. What weaknesses (or sin problems) did they have? Yet, how were they saved? What does the fact that they were saved into the kingdom of God teach us about the way of salvation?

** Abraham used to be an idol worshiper. Joshua 24:2 He also told a lie about his wife. He often acted in fear and doubt of God’s power to provide. 

Isaac loved gourmet food too much.

Jacob was a deceiver.

** They all put trust in the Lord.

** They had faith in the Lord and were in a knowing relationship with God the Father.  Like Abraham we need to walk in the footsteps of Abraham’s faith.

Read verse 30. What warning is there for us to heed?

** Human pride seems to be in the way of getting saved; the spirit of contentment also stands in the way. 



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