The Parable of the Lost Son

Apr 30, 2006

Luke 15:1-32

The parable of the lost son

The Parable of the Lost Son

Luke 15:1-32

Key Verse 15:32

In this passage we learn that it is thanks to Jesus’ great love as the good shepherd that sinners like Mr. Levi (also known as Matthew) repented, and came back home. 

1. Verse 1 says that the tax collectors and “sinners” were all gathering around Jesus to hear him. What does this passage (especially the expression ‘all gathering around Jesus’) tell us about their relationship with Jesus? What does the phrase “to hear him” indicate about: 1) the need of a soul; and 2) the way to meet the need? 

** There was no barrier between the sinners and Jesus. Jesus loved them. In love Jesus went to look for them. In a way Jesus is like a warm stove in winter season, so people naturally gather around the stove to warm their bodies. They sensed God’s love in Jesus, so for love they all gathered around Jesus, just as a thirsty person comes around a water fountain to quench his thirst. 

** The soul longs for fellowship with God the Father. Psalm 42:1-2; 63:1; 143:6

** To study God’s word, for God’s word leads us to knowing God so we could meet him. Deuteronomy 8:3 

2.    Think about what the Pharisees and the Teachers of law said of Jesus in verse 2. What do the following expressions teach us about the way to serve sinners?  1)This man welcomes sinners; and 2) eats with them.

** In addition to feeding them with God’s word, we need to “welcome them” and “have eating fellowship with them.” Acts 2:42 (which says that four things are critical for our spiritual growth, that is, devotion to Bible studies; fellowship; breaking of bread; and prayer.)  The word “welcome” means “to greet hospitably and with courtesy or cordiality; to accept with pleasure the occurrence or presence of.” Eating with them means doing something together. 

3. In verses 3-32 Jesus gave the Pharisees and the Teachers of the law three parables. What do you think Jesus wants them to learn through these parables? 

  ** God’s great love to look for one soul who is lost. In love, when one lost sinner is found, with great joy God holds a great party to celebrate the finding of the lost. 

Other points we can learn from these parables include: 1) what it is for one to be lost (e.g., a lost sinner is like a lost sheep which is in danger of losing its life unless it is timely recovered; or a lost sinner is like a lost coin which collects dust in a dark corner, not being able to return; or a lost sinner is like a prodigal son stuck in a pig farm); 2) what it is to repent and come back to God (that is, by remembering God’s sin-forgiving love, and making all the way back to the Father’s house with the deep conviction that the Father would accept him back to His presence); 3) with what kind of love one must go out to look for the lost (until he is found); and 4) the joy of heaven in finding one who is lost but found. 

The end



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