The Good News of the Kingdom

May 7, 2006

Luke 16:1-18

The good news of the kingdom

 The Good News of the Kingdom

Luke 16:1-18

Key Verse 16:16

In this passage Jesus prepares his disciples to become worthy of being given the trust of 

God’s riches, especially, the riches of God’s treasure, namely, Jesus Christ, the essence of the gospel. 

1. Examine what the dishonest manager did in verses 1-7. It was upon learning that his master was about to terminate his employment that the man started taking action in regard to his future. What can we learn from this story? 

** We learn that the time of our life here in a physical body is limited, so we must use every flying minute to prepare for the eternity to come, by diligently preaching the gospel. We should not be like the dishonest manager, for he did not live up to the truth that he can be fired at any moment, if he proved himself unfaithful. Likewise, we must remember that there is a master over us, that is, our Lord Jesus, so he can always take us from this life at any moment; we should not assume that we can live here as long as we want. No. Our life does not work this way.


2. Think about the master’s commendation (verse 8) and Jesus’ teaching in verse 9. Who are “friends” referring to? (Think about the Biblical use of the word “friend”.) Why is it important that the children of light use their worldly wealth to gain friends?

** According to John 15:14, a friend is the one who believes in the Lord and obeys the Lord. God calls Abraham his friend because he believed in the Lord and obeyed His command.

** It is important for our future life security, for when we obey Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations, and produce children of God (like Abraham who believe in Jesus and obeys Him), God is pleased with us, so he will reward us according to what we have done while in the body. 2Co 5:10; 2Pe 1:10-11

[Note: Jesus is concerned about our life security, and our life is truly secure not in this world but in the kingdom of God to be revealed.] 

3  In verses 10-12 the word “trusted”, “trustworthy” or “trust” is repeated. Why is it important for one to prove that he can be trusted with very little? 

** It is the foundation for the ultimate blessing to come, that is, taking possession of the Promised Land (where one can be heir of the perfected world, along with Christ). The first step is for us to be trustworthy in regard to what is very little. Then we can be trusted with much. Likewise when we prove our trustworthiness in regard to worldly wealth, we can be given a trust on true riches i.e., the gospel of Jesus. Similarly when we prove ourselves trustworthy in regard to someone else’s property, then we will be given the privilege to “own” anything as our own. 

4. What does verse 13 teach us about the way to be trustworthy?

** It is to love God more than money. Money is good. But God is better. Money is a means. God is the end. So use money to serve God.  

5. Consider the problem of the Pharisees (14) and Jesus’ words for them (15). How can one overcome the love of money? 

** We can overcome it by securing the wisdom to discern what is valuable and what is detestable. We can ask God for this wisdom. James 1:5; 1Ki 3:9

6. Verse 16 speaks of “the good news of the kingdom of God.” What is this “good news”? (1Co 15:3-4; Luke 2:10) Does the message of the good news of God’s kingdom cancel (or abolish) the Law and Prophets? In what respect is this news “good”? 

** 1Co 15:3-4; Lk 2:10. Essentially it refers to Jesus and the work he came to fulfill.

** No. 

** It is good in that it alone helps us to obey God’s commands fully. 

The end





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