We are Unworthy Servants

May 21, 2006

Luke 17:1-10

We are unworthy servants

We Are Unworthy Servants

Luke 17:1-10

Key Verse 17:10

In this passage Jesus teaches his disciples the way of unworthy servants. 

1. Read verses 1-2. Who do “little ones” refer to? Why should the disciples be careful particularly about the “little” ones?

** They are “little” in that they are yet to develop the ability to reject what is evil and go for what is good. Their character is weak, so they are yet to develop the character to resist what is evil and stand for what is good all the time. They are spiritually young, so that they are to grow up further (in knowledge, in wisdom and understanding) so they should be able to discern what is good from what is evil, and choose the right course of action. 

** It is because the little ones are more vulnerable to evil attacks, and therefore need more protection. It is like a little plant springing freshly out of soil needs a lot more tender care than a strong mature plant. 

2. In verse 3a, Jesus says, “So watch yourselves.” What does it mean [for “you”] to watch “yourself”? What does this command tell us about the way God designed man to function as His servant?  

** It means for one to baby-sit oneself.  

** 1) God made man in his image. 2) One of the attributes of the image of God is the ability for one to govern oneself. 3) Jesus promised to give the Holy Spirit to his disciples, so that by listening to the voice of and working with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual self (the essential self) would become fully operational, so that the spiritual self can observe what he or  she is doing. 

3. Think about the command Jesus gives His disciples in verse 4. Who is “your brother” referring to? How is a “brother” different from one of the “little” ones? In what respect are these commands difficult to practice?

** Fellow disciples/Christians/workers.

** Little ones are sheep; brothers are co-workers and fellow soldiers/servants.

** 1) It is difficult to rebuke, for we are afraid that rebuking might offend fellow brothers; 2) To forgive seven times a day is not easy, for if anyone sins the same sin again and again, and comes back saying, “I repent” again and again, we so easily think that the person is not serious in repenting. 

4. In verse 5 the disciples said, “Increase our faith!” Why? In reply Jesus talks about a mulberry tree being uprooted and planted in the sea. In what respect is dealing with the problem of sin similar to a mulberry tree being uprooted and planted in the sea? What can we learn from Jesus about faith?

** The disciples found it difficult, if not impossible for them to practice what Jesus asked them to do.

** 1) Sin is like a mulberry tree which takes its root deep down through even the hard soil, so that once it is rooted, it is very difficult to root it out. 

2) Our sinful self is like a mulberry tree growing well even in a desert land; our new self in Jesus, the life that is without sin, is like a mulberry tree planted in [Jesus’] sea [of grace, love, and truth.]

** Faith does what is impossible with men, for it looks to God with whom nothing is impossible. 

5. Read verse 7a. In what respect is the position of a disciple similar to that of a servant “plowing” or “looking after the sheep”?  

** 1) It is similar to that of a farmer plowing a field, because a disciple is to work on cultivating the heart soil of the flock of God, by removing hard rocks, watering it, fertilizing it, in such a way that a life can thrive. 

2) It is similar to that of a shepherd in that a disciple is to take care of tax collectors and sinners coming to their ministry, so that their flock would all repent, believe in Jesus, and grow as mature servants of God.

6. Consider “the way of an unworthy servant” as Jesus describes it in verses 7b-10. In what respect is it difficult to do “everything” we are told to do? Why is it important to say [when we have done everything we were told to do], “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty”? 

** The hard part is to do ‘everything’, because in our sinful nature, it is so easy to do just a little, and stop in the middle. 

** It is to begin with many thanks and finish with many thanks, for the minute one thinks that he deserves this or that (like comfort, a long vacation, or a big bonus, or at least words of thanks or appreciation from one’s superiors), one so easily loses a thankful heart. IMPORTANT: the work itself is a great reward; so once one expects further rewards than just the opportunity to work itself, one is in danger of losing all the blessings the Lord God has already blessed him with. 

The end






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