I saw Satan Fall

Aug 27, 2006

Luke 10:1-24


  I Saw Satan Fall

Luke 10:1-24

Key Verse 10:18 

1. Read verses 1 and 2. What do the following words indicate about the importance of the "numbers" of harvest workers in fighting the Lord's battle? 1) Seventy two 'others'; and ) the workers are few.


2. Think about number seventy-two or the expression "two by two" in verse 1. The phrase "two by two" indicates that Jesus believes in "team work" (or "team spirit"). Why is working "together" better than working "individually" in fighting the Lord's battle? (Ecc 4:9-12) Yet, why is it sometimes difficult for any two persons to work "together" for the Lord's purpose? How can we better work together? (Ephesians 4:11-16; 3John 1:5-8; Php 2:3) 

3. In verse 2 Jesus says, "The harvest is plentiful." What does this statement tells us about the importance of "vision" in serving God's work?

4. In verse 2, before sending them out to harvest fields, Jesus first asked them to "ask" the Lord of harvest. What does this request indicate about the importance of "prayer" in fighting the Lord's battle?

5. Read verses 3-12. What do the following words tell us about the wisdom (or guidelines) to follow in fighting the Lord’s battle? 1) Go; 2) Say (5,10); 3) Stay (or do not move around); and 4) Heal. 

6. Skim through verses 13-24. Jesus declared "woes" to a certain category of people, but to his disciples Jesus said words of blessing. What made the difference? (13; 21; John 16:27; 20:29)

7. In verse 18 Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall..." What does "Satan" indicate about the enemy behind enemies? What does this verse teach us about the importance of understanding the real enemy in fighting (and winning) the Lord's battle?



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