Two Copper Coins

Oct 1, 2006

Luke 21:1-38

Be Always on the Watch and Pray

 Be Always on the Watch and Pray

Luke 21:1-38

Key Verse 21:36

This passage is a history lesson given by Jesus for his disciples, so that upon his departure the disciples would remain on course in serving the mission to make disciples of all nations, without getting confounded by the things that should happen down the road. 

1. Think about the widow's offering and Jesus' comment about it in verses 1-4. Why do you think Jesus brought this to the disciples' attention?

** The disciples could easily become materialistic, so Jesus brought the matter to the attention of the disciples, so that they would never forget that God sees man's heart, not man's appearances. 

God wants all of one's heart. God hates people compromising. To God, what counts is all or nothing. The religious leaders were double minded. Their devotion was split. They were devilish in that they wanted to get the best of both worlds, that is, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. 

2. In verses 5-6 we see two "different" views on the "same" subject, the temple. Why the differences? Why is it important for us to see things (such as church buildings) the way Jesus does? 

** The disciples saw only the surfaces of the matter, whereas Jesus saw with God's perspective which covers what was, what is, and what is to come. 

** Snap shot never tells the whole truth. We are to lead the flock of God to God's house, so we need to have a clear picture of what is to come. We should not be arrested, blinded, and overwhelmed by what we see now. 

3. Think about the two questions the disciples asked in verse 7 and Jesus' reply in verses 8-28. What does Jesus' reply tell us about the following?

1) The things (or events) that will happen to: 

a) The race (or generation) in general (8-11);

b) The disciples (12-19);

c) Jerusalem and its inhabitants (20-24); and

d) Celestial bodies before the end time (25-26).

2) The time the "end" will come (27).

** 1) a) - a series of nightmares, which will only become worse (unlike many false optimists who say ‘everything’s gonna be alright’). 

** 1) b) - they will have to testify despite persecutions, trials, oppositions, and hardships. The difficulties and challenges will serve as opportunities to spread the gospel and save some. 

** 1) c) - Jerusalem as well as its citizens will suffer downfall (as had already happened once in A.D. 70), for they rejected and are rejecting Jesus Christ. 

** 1) d) - they will be shaken because God is working on replacing the existing order with a new order of things. 

** The end time will be the time when Jesus comes again. 

4. Read verse 28. What does "your redemption" mean? Why is it such good news (that the disciples should stand up and lift up their heads)?

** The word "your" indicates that redemption is going to be a personal experience as much as it is going to be a collective experience. 

Redemption means buying back what has been sold. Adam sold the inheritance to the devil. Jesus came to reclaim what we lost, i.e., the Garden of Eden, the perfect paradise. 

** It is such good news because until it is fulfilled the disciples are treated like lambs among the wolves, suffering endlessly to further the gospel of Jesus. 

5. Consider the parable in verses 29-33. What does this passage tell us about Jesus' words and the kingdom of God coming? 

** It is going to be fulfilled as surely as the summer comes after the spring is gone. 

6. Read verses 34-36. Why should we be careful? Why should we always on the watch and pray? 

** Otherwise our hearts will be weighed down (instead of lightened up like a feather) with dissipation (meaning it is drained of all the good qualities that get us going such as courage to meet challenges), drunkenness (i.e., addition to lust, substances, unwholesome thoughts, etc.), and anxieties of life, causing us not to be prepared for the day of his coming again, but rather misleading us to be stuck in what does not give life to man like unhealthy desires for money and fleshly desires for unhealthy relationships. 

** Otherwise we will lose sight of the dangers, we would not lose the sense of what is right what is wrong, and go for what is right. On our own we cannot overcome the world and ourselves. But through prayer we can gain God's help especially his word and the Spirit coming from there. Then we can escape (from the corruption and trap of this world.)

7. Think about what Jesus did during the last few moments of his life in verses 37-38. What does this passage teach us about the practical way to remain alert all the time? 

** Teach the word of God in private and in public, day and night. 

The end



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