The New Covenant in My Blood

Oct 8, 2006

Luke 22:1-38


  The New Covenant in My Blood

Luke 22:1-38

Key Verse 22:20

In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

In this passage Jesus shares God's plan to restore all believers back to Him through Jesus' sacrifice, which is all because of his loving grace.

1. Read verse 1. What was the purpose of this Feast? (Exodus 13:1-10; 1Co 5:7-8)

** The feast was a festival to celebrate the redemption of a slave nation out of slavery into the blessed state of a child who is freely worshiping and serving God with joy, participating in His glory.

2. Read verses 2-6. What does this passage tell us about: a) the chief priests and the teachers of the law; b) Satan; and c) Judas Iscariot? 

** They were being used as instruments of the Devil. 

** Satan is looking for, and now found a victim who is Judas Iscariot to destroy him for good. 

** Judas opened himself up to Satan who came in, so that Judas would serve Satan’s will to betray Jesus. Knowing Jesus and yet deciding to decisively betray Jesus plunged him straight into the devils direct control. There is no middle ground between Jesus and Satan.

3. Read verse 7. Why did the Passover lamb have to be sacrificed? (Exodus 12:13; John 1:29)

** This Feast was a shadow of the reality to come, that is, Jesus Christ who is the Passover Lamb. 1Co 5:7; Lev 17:11; Heb 9:22.

It is because of our sins. Jesus is a substitute for all of us sinners. It is like a man coming to a debtor and paying for all of the debts he owes. 

4. Think about the command Jesus gave to Peter and John in verses 8-13. The expression "make preparations" is repeated twice. In what respect should the Passover be a "prepared" experience? 

** It must be a prepared experience because without preparation no one can get into a meaningful relationship with God the Father through the Son. In order for one to get into a marriage relationship with his or her spouse, one needs to be prepared in every way possible, like cutting off all the competing relationships, so that the two would be united together and build unity in love. 

5. Read verses 14-16. In verse 16 Jesus says, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." Why does he say, 'before'? (16; 18)

** Jesus wanted them to understand the meaning of his sufferings, and get them prepared for a new relationship with Him. In addition Jesus himself loved his disciples so much that he wanted to spend a few moments praying for them, so upon his departure the disciples would not be scattered but remain true to Him and the purpose of their calling. 

6. Read verses 17-20. What do the following expressions indicate about the meaning of the "covenant"?

1) "he gave thanks" (repeated twice)

2) "take this and 'divide' it among you"

3) [This is my body given "for you" (19);  

4) "do this in remembrance of me"

5) "This is the 'new' covenant..." 

6) [my blood, which is poured out "for you" (20)

** This covenant is based on the love God has for us. Jesus understood the kind of love God had for all men through Him. So Jesus gave thanks to God for His will and desire to bring all sinners back to him, all by God's grace. 

** This covenant is to form complete unity among all who believe, all based on the love God has for us, the love which expresses itself through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

** This covenant is established based on Jesus' body for Jesus came to give Himself to me, was willing to die for my sins, so I would not have to bear the dreadful consequences of all of my sins. 

** This covenant is maintained by each person remembering the kind of sacrifice made by Jesus the Son of God.

** This is a new covenant, in that unlike the old covenant which is based on sacrifices like animals, it is based on what is real, that is, the life of Jesus Christ. 

Jeremiah 31:31 "The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.

Heb 8:13 et seq.

It is also new in that it makes the one who gets into it, a new creation. 2Co 5:17; Gal 6:15

** This covenant is based on Jesus' blood which is symbolic of the life found in Jesus.  It is the covenant which leads man to Jesus, the spring of life. 

7. Read vs. 21-38. Think about the disciples, especially Peter. Did he understand the meaning of the covenant? How did Jesus help him?

** No.

** a) Jesus prayed for Peter; b) Jesus regarded him (and his other disciples) as his partner, for he stood by Jesus in his trials; c) Jesus asked them to serve one another just as Jesus served sinners even to the point of shedding his blood for them.

The end



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