
Oct 15, 2006

Luke 22:39-46



Luke 22:39-46

Key Verse 22:42

In this passage Jesus teaches us about prayer. 

1. Read verses 39-40. As disciples who follow Jesus, what temptation(s) might come their way that they should pray? Why is prayer a safeguard against temptation?

** Temptation to "not" follow Jesus all the way, but rather drop the race, and run away from following Jesus, abandoning the purpose of God's calling for them.

** Through prayer we can confirm that God's will (to deny ourselves, take up the cross from God, and follow Jesus all the way, no matter what) is truly "good" and "perfect" not just for us, but for all. The devil always deceives us into believing the other way around is true.   

2. Read verse 41. What do the following expressions teach us about [personal] prayer? a) "He withdrew..."; b) "knelt down"; and c) "and [prayed]".

** These are the steps needed to "prepare" ourselves before coming to the seat of prayer. That is, first we need to be alone with God and God only, for God has his own will for each person. Second, we need to truly believe in God's goodness. The expression "knelt down" illustrates the kind of faith Jesus has towards the Father. Faith is indeed a total surrender to God, knowing that God knows far better than us. In Jesus' belief, all things (e.g., the terrible mob coming to take Jesus and subject Him to such horrible treatment) happen all out of God's good and perfect will. Then, and only then, we are ready to experience the victory through prayer. 

3. Verse 42 describes Jesus' words of prayer. What does "this cup" refer to? (Luke 18:31-33) What does this passage teach us about: a) God the Father; b) Jesus; and c) the purpose of prayer (40,46)?

** Luke 18:31-33 (This passage indicates that Jesus' foreknowledge of the cross to come.)

** God is a good God who always wills what is good and perfect all the time for his children. God is also the Father who protects and provides. God is also the God who has his own "will". 

** Jesus was being "honest" about himself like himself not desiring to take the cup. This is important because any hint of unwillingness if left unaddressed will eventually work as a sinkhole. 

** It is to confirm fully and accept God's will (even if it meant to suffer and die for the sins not committed by him) to the point of having oneself ready to obey willingly and joyfully, so our obedience would be fully graceful. 

4. Read verse 43. When (during the time of Jesus' prayer) did the angel appear? What does this passage tell us about the efficacy of prayer? 

** After Jesus started out presenting requests to God. 

** It is effective in that it "strengthens" oneself causing him to lean on the side of obeying rather than disobeying God's will. 

5. Read verse 44. In time of anguish what did Jesus do? To what extent did he struggle?

** He prayed "more earnestly".

** Until his sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. 

6. Read verses 45-46. Verse 45 explains the reason why the disciples fell "asleep". Yet, why does Jesus say, "Why are you sleeping?" What can we learn about the need for prayer?

** It is because sleep cannot help man rise from a fleshly level to God's level, and thereby discern God's will, whereby prayer helps one gain the momentum to overcome temptation and strengthens one to obey God's will. 

** It is the only way for us to gain God's wisdom, see the goodness of God's will, and gain the strength to obey God's will. 

The end 



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