No more of this!

Oct 22, 2006

Luke 22:47-53


  No More of This!

Luke 22:47-53

Key Verse 22:51

** In this passage we learn that Jesus came to fight the darkness with God's light which is for him to submit to God's will that he be punished for our sins, and thereby bring about God's healing and the light of life to all who believe in Him. 

Title: no more of this – since Jesus came to fulfill the gospel, which is for him to die for our sins and rise again for our justification, we are to go by the way of God’s salvation [and at the same time the way of God’s judgment], so that we are no longer to operate as the judge. God is the judge. We are to share the gospel even to those who come down on us with swords and clubs, and not revenge against them with our own guns and rifles. Read Romans 12:20; Matthew 5:44 etc.]

1. Read verses 47-48. Who were among the crowd? (52) What role did Judas take for the crowd? What did Jesus say to Judas? What does this passage tell us about: a) the crowd; b) Judas; and; c) Jesus?  

** Chief priests, officers of the temple guard, elders.

** Leading them to the place where Jesus was so that they would arrest Jesus in secret. 

** The crowd was following Judas in whom was Satan. So they were virtually following Satan.

** He works as one of Satan's chief instruments. This is what happens to a man who follows Jesus and then goes back to world. Example - A lot of Jews who abandoned faith in their God (The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob) and rendered themselves as Satan's instruments. Example - Charles Darwin, Karl Marx. 

** Jesus was fully aware of Judas's duplicity. Jesus is the God of truth. So he told the truth to Judas in the hearing of the other disciples. Jesus is then the God of justice. No one can hide their duplicity before Jesus, for Jesus is the Light of the world. He is the all- seeing God. Hebrews 4:13  

2. Read verse 49. What did Jesus' followers see? What did they ask Jesus? Suppose Jesus said to them, "Please go ahead." What do you think might have happened?  

** They saw what was going to happen. They did not see God's will behind the brutality to follow. 

** To strike the mob with their swords.

** Bloodshed. The devil was looking for this. 

3. Read verses 50-51. What did "one" of them do? What does his action tell us about the man? How did Jesus rebuke him? What did Jesus do for the injured? What does this passage show us about Jesus? 

** Acted without Jesus' permission.

** He was a man of his own idea. He was his own man. He was his own boss. He was proud in that he thought he knew better than Jesus in regard to the way to handle the situation. He did this to "protect" Jesus, thinking that Jesus needed "his" protection. He was then spiritually blind, not knowing God's will. 

** No more of this. [This - acting without Jesus' approval, i.e., invading God's right to judge.] Read Romans 12:19. 

** He did restitution, and thereby made up for the loss inflicted by one of his disciples, so that the disciple who had acted out would not have to pay for the damages done. 

** Jesus is the God of restitution. He is also the God of redemption as well. 

4. Read verse 52. What does Jesus' question indicate about the way to put down a rebellion? Was Jesus leading a rebellion? 

** If Jesus had been leading a rebellion, it would have been alright for Jesus to be put down with swords and clubs. 

** No.  

5. Read verse 53. This passage suggests that those who came to arrest Jesus belonged to darkness. Yet, why did Jesus choose to turn himself over to them? (Mark 14:41; John 12:23-24

** Jesus chose to do this in order to obey God's will for him to shed God's light upon all who are in the darkness. 

The end 



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