Jesus, Remember Me

Nov 5, 2006

Luke 23:1-56

Jesus, Remember Me�

Jesus, Remember Me!

Luke 23:1-56 

Key Verse 23:42

** This passage reveals to us that Jesus is indeed the Savior who came to save many into God’s kingdom. The one criminal believed in Jesus and got saved ahead of many. 

1. Verses 1-25 describe Jesus’ trials before political rulers. During the proceedings, Jesus remained silent except to answer Pilate’s question, “Are you the king of the Jews?” What does Jesus’ answer (“Yes, it is as you say”) tell us about Jesus? (John 18:36-37; 4:22-24)

** Jesus is a spiritual (not political) king who came from God who is spirit. Jesus came to build in the heart of each believer God’s kingdom which is spiritual. Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life to man, but flesh counts for nothing.” Many try to improve their physical conditions, without attending their spiritual needs. But Jesus came to first build in man’s heart God’s kingdom, and then here on earth when he comes again. Essentially Jesus came to establish the rule of God who is spirit. 

2. In verses 26-31 Jesus prayed for those who wept for him. What does this passage tell us about Jesus? 

** It shows us that Jesus is the God of love, for in love he was mindful of others’ well being even when he was being led to the cross for crucifixion. 

Note: Here Jesus quoted from Hosea 10:8. Hosea prophesied about the fall of the Northern Kingdom Israel for their idolatry. The Northern Kingdom Israel rejected the worship of God (or the rule of God who is a spiritual king) that the Lord caused them to fall under the tyrannical rule of a heathen king (the King of Assyria). Jesus saw that the same tragedy would hit the Israelites for the exact same reason, that is, rejection of the rule of God through Jesus. 

3. Draw in your mind the picture of Jesus crucified in the middle of the two criminals in verses 32-33. What does this scene tell us about Jesus?

** This shows that Jesus is the true shepherd who came to not only identify himself with sinners (by coming down to the most shameful place where all sinners hate to go), but also giving himself as a ransom sacrifice to give all believers eternal relief from eternal condemnation into God’s eternal kingdom of life. 

Note: this scene is in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 53:12. 

4. Read verse 34. Who were “they”? In what respect didn’t they know what they were doing? What does Jesus’ prayer tell us about Jesus? 

** They were the Roman soldiers who executed the decision made on Jesus and the two criminals. 

** They did not know that Jesus did not deserve to die that way. They (the Roman soldiers) were carrying out the rulers’ decision. 

** Jesus is the God of truth and justice. Justice does not punish those who are innocent, handicapped, or subject to conditions which are beyond their control. 

5. Read verses 35-39. People asked Jesus to save himself. Yet, why did Jesus not save himself? What does this passage show us about Jesus? 

** He did not save himself in order to save others. 

** He is a sacrificial Savior who sacrificed himself fully to save sinners.  

6. Read verses 40-43 and think about: 1) the man’s rebuke to the other criminal; 2) his request to Jesus; and 3) Jesus’ answer to the man’s request. What does this passage show us about Jesus? What can we learn from the man who said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”? 

** Jesus is the Savior who can save people from the place of eternal torment into the kingdom of God. 

** He had a bold faith that believes Jesus could save him into God’s kingdom. 

7. Read verses 44-56. What do the following indicate about Jesus’ sufferings and death on a tree?  1) The sun stopped shining (for a time); 2) the curtain of the temple was torn in two; 3) “Surely this was a righteous man.”  

** It shows us that Jesus came to restore the broken relationship between God and men, and among men. 

Note: 1) The sun stopped shining - arguably this is a proof that Jesus’ sufferings and death are for real, not fake, because during the sufferings and death of Jesus (the sustainer of the universe), even the sun stopped functioning. 

2) The curtain torn in two – arguably this is the sign that the [sin] barrier between God and men remains removed as of Jesus’ death. 

3) Surely this was a righteous man – this is a proof that Jesus is indeed a righteous person in whom there is no sin, and yet offered himself to atone for the sins of the world, so that all who believe in Him can enter into a peaceful relationship with a Holy God. 

The end



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