Glory to God in the Highest

Dec 2, 2007

Luke 2:1-20



Luke 2:1-20 

Key Verse 2:14

1. Read vs. 1-5. (A) In the passage a census was conducted by Rome. The purpose was for taxation. What was the focus of the Roman Empire and its rulers? (B) How did this event affect the lives of a young couple (Joseph and Mary)? (C) How should children of God feel about massive global events and the people who dictate them?  (D) Read Micah 5:2. This prophecy foretold that a “ruler” whose “origins are from of old” would be born in Bethlehem. Why did God do this and why is prophecy like this God’s grace to his people?

2. Read vs. 6-7. (A) Under what conditions did Mary give birth to the king of Israel (7)? (B) Why wasn’t there “room in the inn”? (C) Why was a baby born outside and placed inside a manger (a trough used to feed animals)?

3. Read vs. 8-14. (A) Why did God choose to tell “shepherds” about this great work of God? (B) How did God choose to present this news and what can we learn from it? (C) What was the point of the sign: “You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (D) Why are the angels the only ones praising God here when this is “good news of great joy…for all the people”? (E) What is the importance and purpose of praising God?

4. Read vs. 15-20. What did the shepherds do after they heard the good news? (B) What action did they take after they had “seen him”? (C) How did people react to their message and how did Mary react to all these things? (D) What does the passage say the Shepherds did when they returned from telling others? (E) What can we learn from these shepherds?



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