The Faith of Noah

Apr 20, 2008

Hebrews 11:7-7

The Faith of Noah��

The Faith of Noah

Hebrews 11:7

(Read Genesis 6-8 for background)

This passage gives us practical wisdom to follow for our salvation in this corrupt generation. Read Phil 2:12 

Read Genesis 6:1-12 and describe the general environment and people of Noah’s day.  Verse 9b reads, “Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”  What does it mean that he was a “righteous” man? What does it mean to “walk” with God?  

** vs. 1-4: marriage based on fleshly desires, not on God’s purpose such as God’s world mission command; nowadays this problem is prevalent in the U.S. and other parts of the world, for people no longer believe in the marriage for God’s mission; their concept of marriage is based on humanistic ideas (which is expressed in the description saying, ‘they married any of them they chose’), and they chose based on what is physical rather than spiritual. Their marriages were problematic in that they did not involve God in their marriages, which is in strong contrast with the first marriage God established in Genesis 2. 

Vs. 4-12: all the problems described in this passage are pretty much the results of the corrupted concept of marriage. Marriage is God’s holy institution established to serve God’s holy purpose. But when people tossed away a Biblical concept of marriage, naturally children coming out of this family caused things to go from bad to worse really quick. 

** A man is righteous if he maintains a right relationship with God. 

** Walking with God means keeping in step with God. The word ‘walk’ also suggests that what is involved in fellowshipping with the Lord are not only words but also actions. Unless the two agree it is not easy for the two to walk together. 2Co 6:16 also suggests that Noah lived a spiritual life, following the guidance of God’s Spirit. 

Hebrews 11:7a reads, “By faith, when warned about things not yet seen…” What did God warn Noah about? (Genesis 6:13-21) In what respect was it difficult for Noah to believe the things God warned him about? Yet, Noah believed. How was Noah able to believe? 

** Gen 6:13-21

** It was out of the blue. 

** On normal days he was friends with God.  Friends do not hide what they’re going to do.  Read Gen 18:17; James 2:23; 2Ch 20:7

Friends know each other for there is a trust relationship. 

What warnings can be found in the Book of Hebrews about things not yet seen? (2:1-4; 3:7-4:13; 5:11-6:20; 10:26-31; 12:15-29; 13:4) What does the Book of Hebrews tell us to do in regard to these warnings?

** there are six warnings beginning with the warning  about the result that will hit those who drift away from faith, warning against not being able to enter God’s  rest, etc. 

** each warning comes with each exhortation, but in general we are exhorted to live by faith in the Lord and obey Him (believing in His person and in His work). Consider the promises the Lord Jesus made for all who believe in the four gospels like John 6:54. 

What other warnings are in the Bible about things not yet seen? (Luke 17:26;  2Pe 3:7; Rev 21:8; 22:15) What should we do in view of these warnings? 

** There are tons of warnings, but we can categorize them into two categories, that is, warnings regarding the consequences (for those who do not believe and end up disobeying) that will come out to hit them while on this side of the grave, and the results that will visit them after their journey in a physical body is over. 

The ultimate warning we need to attend to is the warning of the judgment that will visit all people. Rev 20:11-15; 2Co 5:10

** Believe them as they are, and revise your behavior and lifestyle, as the Apostle Peter says in Acts 2:38 and 3:19.


Hebrews 11:7 tells us that Noah not only believed but also “in holy fear built the ark to save his family”. What does “holy fear” mean? In what respect was it a challenge for Noah to build the ark? Yet, how could Noah complete this project according to God’s command? What practical applications can we find from Noah’s example in our own walk with the Lord? 

** Most likely it means the fear of God who is “holy”. As used here “holy” means “set apart” or “different from”. The Lord is different from human beings in many ways, esp. in his faithfulness, that is, once he says he is going to do it, he is going to do it. The messages (or promises) of judgment and salvation are all true, for at God’s right time, the Lord will make it sure that what he says is going to come true. 

** The project was not a joke; it involved a lot of work and attention to all the details. He also had to bear with the people passing by, jeering at him, considering him crazy. 

Another difficulty might be the temptation to become lazy, postpone, or even stop the project in the middle. 

** In virtually all generations, people suffer from the bad habit of procrastinating. For example, recent statistics say that of all Americans, Californians are worst in procrastinating on filing their tax returns. They wait way until the last minute. But we must remember that salvation requires a lot of preparation. In fact the duration of our lifetime here in a physical body is the period needed for us to prepare for the Day of Judgment coming. You can’t get all A’s on a final exam by continually neglecting your homework or by ditching school all the time. 

Now, the specs of the ark indicate the kind of homework we need to do, like keeping the ark watertight, suggesting that we should not let the corrupted waters/influences of this world break into our lives. Each and every day we need to grow up in the Lord. 

Read Hebrews 11:7b. What do the following statements mean? (1) By his faith he condemned the world; (2) and became heir of the righteousness; and (3) [the righteousness] that comes by faith.

** The word “his” means Noah had personal faith, that is, the faith which he came to have, perhaps by attending to the Lord, retaining his word, persevering,  constantly praying, etc. 

The expression “condemned” the world is suggestive of a court room session where a judge hears both sides, and on the podium for witnesses, the Lord calls Noah to come in, take the stand, and testify to what he was told in regard to the warnings on the flood, etc. whereupon people standing on the defendants’ side, would have no choice but to accept the guilty verdict against them. 

** Heir – recipient (for good); this righteousness is like the benchmark or the certificate of salvation (or a key to God’s kingdom); since he became the ‘heir’, he is going to take possession of salvation and all other blessings accorded to the righteous, only to enjoy the heritage (new heavens and earth) from eternity to eternity!

** When we repent and believe in Jesus, God forgives us of our sins, grants us His Spirit, who in turn works in us transforming us into children of God bearing His image. 

The end





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