The Light of the World

Oct 5, 2008

Matthew 5:1-16



Matthew 5:1-16

Key Verse 5:14 

Read vs. 1-2. This passage distinguishes "the crowds" from "His disciples". In what respect are the disciples different from the crowds (4:19)? Why is such a distinction needed for this passage? 

* The disciples were “following” Jesus and had left behind their old lives to learn from him. The crowds were not all-in as were these disciples. 

* There are many “blessings” mentioned here but they are only for those who have resolved their commitment to following Jesus. Total commitment to following Jesus is a mandatory prerequisite to all these blessings—without exception. 

Read vs. 3-6. What does "poor in spirit" mean? Why is this quality first in Jesus’ message? How can someone who “mourns” be considered “blessed”? What are they mourning for? What does it mean to be “meek”? How will they inherit the earth? How can someone “hunger and thirst for righteousness”? What do being “poor in spirit,” “mourning,” “meek” and “hunger and thirst for righteousness” all have in common? 

* “Poor in spirit” refers to someone who is spiritually broke. Someone who can’t claim to be able to do anything good in and of themselves. The “poor in spirit” refers to the one who recognizes their unspiritual condition and inability to be so. 

* This quality is first on the list because it is foundational. The “poor in spirit” connotes a sense of awareness and realization of one’s true condition and denotes a desperation for getting help from God. Such an awareness creates a basic reliance on Jesus Christ for all spirituality; for apart from him we can do nothing. 

* It is blessed to “mourn” because God always “comforts” (restores, refreshes, helps) those who are mourning. It is blessed to acknowledge the reasons for mourning as opposed to ignoring them. God comforts the one who faces the facts and is broken by them. The Bible teaches us that a “contrite heart [he] will not despise” (Ps 51:17). 

* Mourning is an acknowledgment of how far we have fallen due to sin and disobedience. God can bless such people with “comfort”. 

* The word “meek” is similar to the word “weak”. The meek never go out on their own to do things in their own way. They realize that God’s hand is the only means to do anything. The meek don’t exert themselves because they have no confidence in the flesh. 

* The meek will “inherit the earth” because God will give it to them. God will take from the worldly rulers and give to the meek. 

* Hunger and thirst for righteousness is only possible for those who are empty of self-righteousness and who hold themselves to the highest standard of perfection. A humble and absolute attitude towards righteousness inevitably creates great hunger and thirst for it; for we know that in ourselves there is nothing that can be called righteous. Jesus promises that we will be satisfied if we have this hunger and thirst, for we will soon find the righteousness of Christ that fills our standard and covers our sins and mistakes. He is our righteousness but to appreciate this we need to be hungry for it. Those who cut themselves a break and lower their standards of righteousness inevitably miss out on the fullness of Christ’s righteousness. 

* All these qualities are key to humility. These qualities take the pride of man out of the picture so that Jesus Christ can be all. These qualities allow God to be fully acknowledged as God and Christ’s role as our Savior to be manifested. These qualities build up Jesus’ importance in our life while diminishing our own sense of self. 

Read vs. 7-12. How are the "merciful" blessed? What does it mean to be “pure in heart”? Why are “peacemakers” called “sons of God”? What do the “merciful”, “pure in heart”, and “peacemakers” have in common? What role do such people play in this world? How does the world treat these servants of God? Why are they still “blessed”? 

* The merciful are blessed because they are “shown mercy”. Everyone needs mercy in a time of weakness, sin or failure. Those who show mercy will have built up a credit so to speak and will be shown mercy by God. Showing mercy is very beautiful and builds people up. 

* Being pure in heart means God has setup his kingdom fully in ones heart. For even the most heart-wrenching repentance doesn’t create a “pure” heart. But when God has full possession of a human heart His purity purifies our motives and the thoughts of our heart. 

* God is glorified in his ability to create peace between himself and sinful mankind through Jesus. This was the hardest, most difficult peace to make. Since God is a God of peace his children should be makers of peace as well. Those who mirror this quality of God are peacemakers and will be rightly called “sons of God”. 

* These three qualities reflect how a child of God interacts with the world and each other. Those who develop these three qualities will be a source of blessing to others. 

* The role such people play in this world is manifesting God’s glory and character to a dark world that doesn’t know Him. The role such people play is critical. 

* The world rejects and persecutes such people. Most don’t care or do not listen and are therefore determined to silence the messengers and instruments of God’s glory. 

* They are still blessed because “great is [the] reward” God has in store for them. Wow! 

Read vs. 13. Who are the “salt of the earth”? What do they do exactly? What relevance do these people have if they develop the qualities in verses 3-12? What happens if they don’t? 

* The “salt of the earth” are the believers. 

* According to this metaphor, the believers are the preservers of the world that keep it from going rotten. Like meat and other foods that were salted for preservation, the believers who hold on to the qualities outlined in verses 3-12 preserve this world from God’s immediate judgment. For it is the net effect of believers that keeps sin from festering to a head and ruining all of mankind. God uses believers to suppress godlessness and transform the spiritual environment of any place. Though it is sometimes debated it is difficult to argue how wonderfully Christianity effected the Roman empire. 

* All things are possible for a people and society when believers reflect the qualities Jesus outlined… 

Example: Many permanent legal reforms were set in motion by Emperors Constantine (280-337) and Justinian (483-565) that can be laid to the influence of Christianity. Licentious and cruel sports were checked; new legislation was ordered to protect the slave, the prisoner, the mutilated man, the outcast woman. Children were granted important legal rights. Infant exposure was abolished. Women were raised from a status of degradation to that of legal protection. Hospitals and orphanages were created to take care of foundlings. Personal feuds and private wars were put under restraint. Branding of slaves was halted. 

True Christians not only improve the spiritual and physical environments but they maintain the environment through true Christian character. 

* If believers do not manifest the qualities of beauty outlined in Jesus’ beatitudes the world spoils and decays. The people of the world trivialize Christians and trample them underfoot as they march towards the depths of hell. 

Read vs. 14-16. Who are the “light of the world”? What do they do for this dark world? What emphasis does Jesus make for them? What effect does the light have on others? Why is this important to God and us? 

* The “light of the world” is once again the believers who manifest the beauty of the beatitudes. 

* This time instead of being described as a means of preservation, believers are described as a means of illumination. They shine the light in a dark world. 

* Jesus emphasizes the need to “let your light shine before men”. 

* The light that shines from believers leads people to Christ the source of our light. 

* This is important to God because through seeing this light people will honor God and revere his great name. They will glorify and praise him because they know of all his goodness through seeing Christ’ light in us. The beauty of Christ will be seen and we will have fulfilled our mission as his servants. Many in the world will be saved because of this. 



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