Acts of Righteousness

Oct 19, 2008

Matthew 6:1-18



Matthew 6:1-18

Key Verse 6:4b

Read verses 1-4.  With what motive should we do “acts of righteousness”? Why is this so important that Jesus even says, “be careful”? What might be a wrong motive for giving to the needy? Can you think of any modern day examples of giving (both good and bad)? What is the ideal way of giving (3)? Compare/contrast how the results differ depending on the motive.

Read verses 5-8.  How do hypocrites pray? Why is it important that some of our prayer be “done in secret”? Why might a person babble (say many unnecessary words) in prayer? Yet why should we not?

Refer to verses 9-15.  Why do you think Jesus gives such a model of prayer? What are the main prayer topics? Are any of these left out of your prayers?  What serious statement does Jesus make regarding forgiveness? Is there anyone whom you’ve not forgiven?

Refer to verses 16-18.  What is the purpose(s) of fasting? How is this purpose hindered by showing men we are fasting? What does God see and reward? Yet, why might a person find this difficult?



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