He Will Come with Great Glory

Oct 26, 2008

Matthew 24:1-51



Matthew 24:1-51

Key Verse 24:30

Read verses 1-3. Why do you think the disciples wanted to call Jesus' attention to the temple's buildings? How did he respond? What, in turn, did they ask him?

Read verses 4-8. What will happen throughout the world as signs of the coming end? How will people respond to these things? How does Jesus view these events? (8)

Read verses 9-14. What will happen specifically to believers? Why? With what result? Yet, who will be saved? What must happen before the end will come? Why is the gospel given "as a testimony" to all nations?

Read verses 15-25. What other event will happen which people will use as an opportunity to try to deceive the elect? How should we respond in such a time?

Read verses 26-35. What will happen to the lights in the sky at the time of Jesus' return? Will there be any doubt that it is him? What does it mean that he will return with "power and great glory"? What will Jesus do upon returning? How will the world respond to his return? What lesson must we learn from the fig tree?

Read verses 36-51. When will Jesus return? Even though Jesus gives so many clear signs of his coming and of the end of the age, will people expect his return and be ready? Why do you think many will not be ready for his return? How can we be ready for his return? What can we learn from the example of the two different types of servants? What has Jesus put us in charge of?



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