Enter through the Narrow Gate

Nov 16, 2008

Matthew 7:13-29



Matthew 7:13-29

Key Verse: 7:13,14

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

1. Read verses 13-14. What does it mean to enter through the narrow gate? What is the result? What does it mean to go by the broad way? What is the result?

2. Read verse 15. What is Jesus’ warning? What is the characteristic of a false prophet? Read verses 16-20. How can false prophets be recognized? What is good fruit?  What is bad fruit?  What is the only thing to do with a bad tree?

3. Read verses 21-23. What do false disciples have in common with real disciples? What is the difference? How is it that those who know the Bible well and engage in many good activities can fail to enter the kingdom? What does it mean to know Jesus and be known by him?

4. Read verses 24-27. Regarding building a house, what is the main difference between the wise man and the foolish man? What do they have in common?

5. How does this parable apply to building up a life? How is this parable related to the good and bad trees? To knowing Jesus and being known by him?

6. Read verses 28-29. What was the response of the crowds to Jesus’ teaching? 



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