All Nations Will Be Blessed

Dec 7, 2008

Genesis 22:1-19


JBF Bible Study Questionnaire                                                                              SWS 12/07/2008


Genesis 22:1-19 

Key Verse 22:18 

"...and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."

Consider the condition of "all nations" by the time of Abraham's day. What major conflicts, if any, had occurred between God and man in the following chapters throughout Genesis: 1) 1-2; 2) 3-4; 3) 6-9; 4) 11; 5) 18-19? What do these events show us about the condition of the relationship between God and man? What was the source of all the conflicts? Yet, which men were commended by God? Why? 

Read verse 18. When did God first make this promise with Abraham? What was the condition of Abraham's relationship with God at that time? (Jos 24:2) What did God design to do through calling Abram (Abraham)? What do you think the "blessed" means in the phrase, "all nations on earth will blessed" means?  

God's promised to bless all nations on earth through Abraham's "offspring". To whom does Abraham's "offspring" refer? (Gal 3:16; John 8:56)  

Read verses 13-14. Even though Abraham passed God's test, God still provided to finish the offering. What then did Abraham confess about God? How does his confession reflect his faith? (6-8) How does this passage foreshadow God's way to meet the provision to bless all nations through Jesus Christ? 

Verse 18 finishes by adding, "because you have obeyed me." What does this phrase tell us about the reason why God tested Abraham in this chapter? (cf. 22:12) How is his obedience related to the blessing promised in Jesus?  

How can we be blessed along with Abraham ? (Gal 3:8-9) What does it mean to have faith like Abraham? What do you learn about God who sent Jesus to bless all nations? 

JBF Bible Study Questionnaire                                                                              SWS 12/07/2008


Genesis 22:1-19 

Key Verse 22:18 

"...and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."


Consider the condition of "all nations" by the time of Abraham's day. What major conflicts, if any, had occurred between God and man in the following chapters throughout Genesis: 1) 1-2; 2) 3-4; 3) 6-9; 4) 11; 5) 18-19? 

What do these events show us about the condition of the relationship between God and man? 

What was the source of all the conflicts? 

Yet, which men were commended by God? Why? 


Genesis 22:18 

    and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me." 


Read verse 18. When did God first make this promise with Abraham? 

What was the condition of Abraham's relationship with God at that time? (Jos 24:2) 

What did God design to do through calling Abram (Abraham)? 

What do you think the "blessed" means in the phrase, "all nations on earth will blessed" means?  


God's promised to bless all nations on earth through Abraham's "offspring". To whom does Abraham's "offspring" refer? (Gal 3:16; John 8:56)  


Genesis 22:13-14 

    Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. [14] So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided." 


Read verses 13-14. Even though Abraham passed God's test, God still provided to finish the offering. What then did Abraham confess about God? 

How does his confession reflect his faith? (6-8) 

How does this passage foreshadow God's way to meet the provision to bless all nations through Jesus Christ? 


Genesis 22:18 

    and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me." 


Verse 18 finishes by adding, "because you have obeyed me." What does this phrase tell us about the reason why God tested Abraham in this chapter? (cf. 22:12) 

How is his obedience related to the blessing promised in Jesus?  


How can we be blessed along with Abraham ? (Gal 3:8-9) 

What does it mean to have faith like Abraham? 

What do you learn about God who sent Jesus to bless all nations? 

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