But, Follow Me

Feb 22, 2009

Matthew 8:18-34



Matthew 8:18-34
Key Verse 8:22

"But Jesus told him, 'Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.' "

1. Read verses 18-20. As Jesus left the crowds, who volunteered to follow him? What did he offer Jesus? Yet what did Jesus say to him? Why do you think Jesus answered him in this way?

2. Read verses 21-23. How did another disciple respond to Jesus? Yet how did Jesus answer him? What does the phrase, "and let the dead bury their own dead," show us about Jesus' invitation to follow him?

3. Read verses 24-27. What happened during the boat ride? Contrast the disciples' reaction to the storm with that of Jesus'. (24-25) What did Jesus do after being awakened? How did the wind and the waves respond? How did the disciples respond? How did this challenge turn into a blessed event for the disciples? What kind of faith do you think Jesus wants his disciples to have in following him? 

4. Read verses 28-32. Who met Jesus and his disciples on the other side of the lake? Why were they afraid of Jesus? What kind of authority did Jesus exercise over them? What can we learn about Jesus?  



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