My Spirit Will Not Contend Forever

Apr 5, 2009

Genesis 4:17-6:7

* Cain’s descendants (17-24)

JBF Genesis Bible Study                                                                  SWS 04/05/2009


Genesis 4:17 - 6:7
Key Verse: 6:3 

Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." 

Read V4:17-24. Think about the descendants of Cain. Read V4:25-V5:32. Think about the descendants of Adam by Seth with the descendants of Cain. What are the signs of hope in Seth’s line? What evidence is there of a spiritual remnant of God’s people? 

Read V6:1-4. What was the basis of marriage in the times of Noah? How did God express his displeasure? What does V3 mean? In what way did the fruit of these marriages seems good by human standards? Why was God displeased? (Gen. 2:22-24)

Read V5-6. What did God see that grieved him and filled his heart with pain? What was so evil about the inclinations of men’s hearts? (Luke 17:27)

Read V7. What did God decide to do? What can we learn here about the way sin spreads? What can we learn about God? 

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