The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

May 24, 2009

Matthew 13:44-14:12



Matthew 13:44-14:12

Key Verse 13:44

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

Read verses 44-46. Why do you think the kingdom of heaven is described using the word "hidden" and as something to be looked for or found? How much did the men pay for their treasure? Why were they willing to pay so much? What does this teach about the kingdom of heaven? 

Read verses 47-50. What does this parable teach about what will happen to the people in this world? When will this sorting event happen? Who will be kept and who will be thrown out? What will happen to the wicked? 

Read verses 51-52. What question did Jesus ask his disciples? What did Jesus say about the importance of "understanding" at the beginning of these teachings (the parable of the sower)? (13:13, 23) How is this related to “teachers of the law” and “old and new treasures”? 

Why were the people of Jesus' hometown amazed at him? (54) Yet, why did they take offense at him? (55-56) How did Jesus respond to them? (57b-58) Why is it that Jesus did not do many miracles "because of their lack of faith"?

How did Herod respond to the reports about Jesus? (14:1-2) What had Herod done to John the Baptist? (14:3-11) Why? Did Herod listen to the right person? How can his situation be viewed according to the parables Jesus gave in 13:44-50?



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