Great Faith (Out of the Heart)

Jun 14, 2009

Matthew 15:1-28



Matthew 15:1-28

Key Verse 15:19

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

Read verse 1-6. What did some Pharisees and teachers of the Law accuse Jesus’ disciples of? How did Jesus respond (3,6)? What example did he give? What does Jesus mean by the “traditions of men”?

Read verses 7-9. How do Isaiah’s words shed light on the problem of the Pharisees? How do people in our times nullify the word of God for the sake of rules or customs?

Read verses 10-14. What did Jesus say that offended the Pharisees? Why were they offended? What short parables did Jesus give about the Pharisees who rejected him? Why did he call them blind guides? 

Read verses 15-20. For what did Jesus rebuke his disciples? Why is God more concerned about the inner life than about ritual or laws? Based on Jesus’ explanation how can we live a “clean” life?

Read verses 21-28. After the confrontation with the Pharisees, who came to Jesus with a terrible problem?  How many times did Jesus refuse her request? What does Jesus’ statement reveal about the mission of the Messiah? How did the woman finally attain Jesus’ help? What lesson can we learn from her “great faith”?



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