JBF Genesis Bible Study SWS 07/26/2009
Genesis 20:1-21:7
Key Verse: Genesis 21:2
Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.
Read V1-13.When had he previously done something like this? (Gen. 12:10-20) Why did he lie? (10-13) What does this reveal about his weaknesses?
Read 14-18. How was the matter progressed? What does this even show about God’s character? About Abraham’s need for spiritual growth?
Read V21: 1-5. What does Isaac’s birth teach us about? What was Abraham name is son? Why? In what way does this baby’s birth testify to the almighty power of God?
Read V21:6-7. What was Sarah’s testimony at Isaac’s birth? Why was she so joyful? Think about God who give his servants laughter.
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