Stay in this Land

Sep 20, 2009

Genesis 26:1-35


JBF Genesis Bible Study                                                                            SWS 09/20/2009


Genesis 26:1-35

Key Verse 26:2-3a

The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live.” Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you.

Read V1-6. When another famine in the land, where did he plan to go? What command did God give Isaac? What was the example of faith set by Abraham? How did Isaac respond to God’s command? 

Read V7-11. What event reveals his fear toward the Philistines? How was his lie exposed? How was the unseen hands of God protecting Isaac from his fear problem? What can we learn about God? 

Read V12-22. How did God bless Isaac? How did God’s abundant blessing affect Isaac’s relations with his Philistine neighbors? How did Isaac deal with the Philistine herdsmen when they demanded his wells? Think about his well-digging life. What can we learn from Isaac? 

Read V23-25. What happened at Beersheba? Why did he need this meeting with the Lord? How did Isaac respond to God’s words of promise? What does this show about him? 

Read V26-35. When Abimelech came to see Isaac again, what change can we see in him? What did Isaac ask him and how did he respond? What does this event show about Isaac’s quiet victory in this land? How had God helped him? 

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