Signs of the End of the Age

Nov 8, 2009

Matthew 24:1-35

Mat 24:1- 35: "Signs of the End of the Age"

Signs of the End of the Age

Matthew 24:1-35

Key Verse: 24:14

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Read verses 1-3.  How was Jesus’ view of the temple different from that of the disciples? (23:37-39)  To what future event was Jesus referring?  Later, what did they ask Jesus? (3)  Why did the disciples equate the destruction of the temple with Jesus coming and the end of the age?

Read verses 4-8.  What is the first danger that disciples must watch out for at the end of the age? (4, 5)  Why?  What other catastrophes will frighten people? (6, 7)  What warnings and promises does Jesus give?  How does Jesus see these things? (8)

Read verses 9-13.  How will God’s people be targeted in the last days?  How will many react under such pressure?  What should Jesus’ people do?  What did Jesus promise?

Look at verse 14.  How does God see the world and his redemptive history?  What does it mean that “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached to the whole world”?  What does “as a testimony to all nations” mean?  What does this show about God?

Read verses 15-22.  What does this "abomination" refer to? (cf. Dan. 9:27; 11:31)  When this happens what must Gods people do?  How great will the distress be at that time? (21)  How does God continue to exercise his sovereignty and show his love for his people?

Read verses 23-25.  Why are people vulnerable to deception in times of tragedy, distress, danger and persecution?  How will false christs try to deceive people?  What is Jesus’ warning?  Why do you think he tells us ahead of time about these things?

Read verses 26-28.  Why should we not believe people’s cries of, “There he is or “Here he is?”  How obvious will it be when Jesus comes again?

Read verses 29-31.  What will happen to the sun, moon and stars?  Why will the nations of the earth mourn?  In the midst of dark times what is our great hope?  Why will his people rejoice at his coming? (Compare Rev 21:1-4)

Read verses 32-35. What lesson must we learn from the fig tree?  How far off is Jesus’ coming when we see all these things?  What does it mean that his words will never pass away?



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