Keep Watch

Nov 15, 2009

Matthew 24:36-25:13

Keep Watch�

Keep Watch

Matthew 24:36-25:13 

Key Verse 25:13 

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

Look at verses 36-41. Who knows when Jesus will come again? How will the time of Jesus' coming be similar to the time of Noah's flood? How will the true believers be revealed when Jesus comes again?  

Look at verses 42-44. What do you think it means to "keep watch" for the day of Jesus' coming? Why must we always "be ready"?  

Look at verses 45-51. What can we learn from the example of the "faithful and wise" servant about what to do until Jesus' coming? Why might someone become like the "wicked" servant in Jesus' parable? How can we be good and faithful servants rather than wicked servants of Jesus?  

Look at verses 1-13. How were the foolish virgins different from the wise? Why did the foolish virgins run into trouble? What does this teach us about what it means to "keep watch" for Jesus' coming? 

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