You Will Be My Witnesses

Jan 31, 2010

Acts 1:1-26



Acts 1:1-26

Key Verse 1:8 

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Read verses 1-2. What did the author Luke write about in his first book? (Luke’s Gospel)  In vs. 3, what did Jesus do during the 40 days between his resurrection and ascension?  What was he trying to teach his disciples?

In verses 4-5, what command and promise did Jesus give to his disciples?  Why is it so important for the disciples to baptized with the Holy Spirit? (Why is it important to wait for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit?)

In verse 6, what did the disciples seem to be primarily concerned with?  What did Jesus teach them about God’s plan in verse 7?  In verse 8, what is God’s command and promise for the disciples? What does this show us about Jesus’ hope for his disciples? What does this show about his concern for all nations?

What happened to Jesus in verse 9?  How did the two angels give the disciples direction in verse 11?

Where did the disciples go in vs. 12-14?  Why? (4)  Who were with them?  What did they do?  What do you think they prayed about?

As they prayed, who revealed their leadership? What problem surfaced? (16-18) How did Peter choose to solve the problem? What was the basis for Peter’s direction to address this problem? (20, Psalm 69:25, Psalm 109:8)  What light does this shed on prayer, personal and group prayer in finding direction in serving the ministry? 



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