But God Intended It for Good

Jan 31, 2010

Genesis 47:13-50:26

JBF Genesis Bible Study

JBF Genesis Bible Study


Genesis 47:13-50:26

Key Verse 50:19-20

“But Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’”

Read V47:13-26. How did Joseph deal with the people of Egypt who were starving because of he famine? How did the people respond to this treatment? Why? How did Joseph prove his loyalty to Pharaoh? What does this reveal about Joseph?

Read V48:1-21. How did Jacob bless Joseph’s sons? What is the significant of this blessing in Israel’s history?

Read V49:1-28. Describe how Jacob blesses his sons who became eventually the twelve tribes of Israel. 

Read 49:29-50:18. Describe the death of Jacob. Why did Joseph’s brothers become fearful after Jacob’s death? What request did they make of Joseph that reveals their reentrance? 

Read V50:19-26. What did Joseph teach them? What can we learn about Joseph’s faith? What hope did Joseph plant in his family? 

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