In the Name of Jesus Christ

Feb 21, 2010

Acts 3:1-26

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Acts 3:1-26

Key Verse 3:6 

Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." 

Look at verses 1-5. While Peter and John were on their way to the temple to pray, a crippled man asked them for money. What do you think this man's life had been like so far? What did he hope for?  

*He was crippled from birth. Being crippled must be really terrible. His mind was fine, and he could see that he could not do the things that others could do. He might have been angry or bitter; he might have complained. He had to live as a beggar, depending completely on others for his survival, unable to give anything to anyone. It's agonizing to feel that you are worth less than others; that your life has little value. He might have felt this way.  

*He hoped for some spare change. When we are 'crippled' our hope can be very small and narrow.  

Look at verse 6. Peter did not have silver or gold, but he did have faith in the name of Jesus. What does this show about him (see Matt 14:28-31; 26:69-75)? 

*Peter had grown into a man of absolute faith in Jesus' name. In the past, his faith was not reliable; and he even denied the name of Jesus. Now, however, we can see how he had been changed into a man of absolute faith in Jesus' name. 

Look at verses 7-8. In the name of Jesus Christ, the crippled man was healed. He went into the temple courts, walking and jumping and praising God. What does this tell us about the power of Jesus' name?   

*The power of Jesus' name brought a total life transformation. This is what happens when people believe in Jesus' name--they experience a total life transformation.  

Look at verses 9-16. The people who heard about this were astonished and came running to Peter and John. What did Peter do (12-13)? What did Peter teach them about Jesus? What did Peter teach the people about themselves?  

*He turned their attention away from John and himself and toward Jesus.  

*He taught them many things about Jesus, including: 

- God has glorified Jesus 

- Jesus is God's servant 

- He is the Holy and Righteous One 

- He is the author of life 

- God raised him from the dead 

- Jesus' name, and the faith that comes through him, gives complete healing 

Overall, they had once regarded Jesus from an earthly point of view, and this led them to commit a terrible sin. When we don't know who Jesus is, we can end up making big mistakes; but when we know who Jesus is, we can experience his power, healing, and life. 

*Peter helped the people to see that they were great sinners. They thought they were the 'people of God.' Many of them were in the temple, worshiping God. They didn't think they were that bad. Yet Peter exposed their identity as sinners. Are we better then they, or less sinners? The reality is that we would not have done anything different if we were in their place. 

Look at verses 17-18. What two things did Peter recognize about the peoples' sin in having Jesus killed? Why do you think Peter said these things after pointing out their sin?  

*He recognized (1) that they did it out of ignorance and (2) that this was according to God's plan. 

*Peter not only exposed their sin, but he also gave them hope to receive forgiveness. In order to help people to repent, we must give the message of grace and truth so that they may come to repentance rather than condemnation.  

Look at verses 19-20. What would happen to their sin if they repented and turned to God? What do you think it means that "times of refreshing" would come from the Lord? What ultimate hope would they have?  

*Their sins would be wiped out! They committed a terrible sin (killing the author of life), but even they have the hope of complete forgiveness through faith in Jesus. This gives all people hope to have their sins completely wiped out by faith in Jesus' name. 

*Things are "refreshed" when all the old, dirty, crusty things are cleaned away. We take a shower and feel refreshed; the rain comes, cleans away the smog, leaving the air refreshed. What happens when our sins are wiped out? All the spiritual sludge that had been built up in our souls through years of sinning is completely wiped out, and we are refreshed in the deepest sense. 

Look at verses 21-23. How long must Jesus remain in heaven (21)? Why do you think Peter makes this connection between the hope of Jesus' return and obedience? 

*Until the time for God to restore everything. What does "restore" mean? It is the ultimate "refresh" - God created the universe to be beautiful and perfect; sin messed this up; but when Jesus comes back, everything will be restored to beautiful perfection. 

*God appointed Moses to lead the Israelites into the land of promise. Moses could not lead the people in, however, so God promised to send a prophet like Moses to lead the people. If they listened to this prophet, they would be able to take hold of all that God has promised them. Jesus is the prophet God promised to send; and if we follow him (by obeying him) he will lead us to take hold of all the goodness that God has in store for his children.  

Read verses 24-26. In what sense were the people of Peter's day (and ours) "heirs of the prophets and of the covenant" of God? How did God fulfill his promise to bless all people on earth through Abraham? How does God bless us? 

*The entire "Old Testament' (i.e. the prophets and the covenant) points like a giant arrow to Jesus Christ. Jesus' death and resurrection opens up the doors for everyone who believes in Jesus to take hold of God's promises. The people of Jesus' day, and we ourselves, are greatly blessed to have full access to God's promises and blessings through faith in Jesus.  

*God send Jesus, a descendant of Abraham, to open up the way of salvation to ALL people on earth. This is because salvation now comes through faith in the name of Jesus--something that anyone can do by God's grace.  

*God blesses us by sending Jesus to turn us from our wicked ways. People think God blesses them by providing for their financial needs or something like that, but the real blessing is to turn us from our wicked ways. Our wicked ways only cause us to become burdened and leads to death; the best thing for anyone is to turn away from wickedness and toward God by faith in Jesus' name.



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