Go, Stand, and Tell

Mar 14, 2010

Acts 5:16-6:7



Acts 5:17-6:7                                                                                                              Key Verse: 5:20 

"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life."

Read verses 17-21a. Who arrested the apostles and why? How did they get out of jail (Heb 1:14)? What command was given to them? What can we learn about God as our commander in chief? Consider each command or statement: 1) “Go,” 2) “Stand in the temple courts,” 3) “the full message,” and 4) “this new life.” What did they do at daybreak? 

Read verses 21b-26. When did they know about what's going on? Read verses 27-29. How did the high priest rebuke them? What was the apostles' answer (compared with 4:19, 20)?  

Read verses 30-32. How did they make the most of this opportunity to witness about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit? What did they try to teach the Jewish leaders? Did the listeners repent (33)? 

Read verses 34-39. Who was Gamaliel and how did he help the apostles? Read verses 40-42. Why did they rejoice even after they had been flogged? What can we learn from them (1Peter 4:13)?

Read 6:1-4. As the church grew, what problem arose? (1) How did the apostles decide to deal with it? Why was this an important decision? What was the result? (7)

LA UBF Bible Study Materials

Copyright © 2024 LA UBF. All Rights Reserved.

Go, Stand, and Tell

Mar 14, 2010

Acts 5:16-6:7



Acts 5:17-6:7                                                                                                              Key Verse: 5:20 

"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life."

In this passage the apostles are again persecuted by the Jewish religious leaders. God, our commander in chief, does not tell them to retreat but to advance by faith and give the full message of this new life to a perishing people. Why? It shows who God is! It was also a clear direction for them to obey regardless of the situation. When they obey, God works with them through his angel and the Holy Spirit to defeat the power of darkness and advance the gospel. Despite suffering, they were joyful and victorious. Also when the problem arose inside the church they were able to make a clear decision. May God help us to learn their examples in obeying God.. 

Read verses 17-21a. Who arrested the apostles and why? How did they get out of jail (Heb 1:14)? What command was given to them? What can we learn about God as our commander in chief? Consider each command or statement: 1) “Go,” 2) “Stand in the temple courts,” 3) “the full message,” and 4) “this new life.” What did they do at daybreak? 

*The Holy Spirit was working mightily in the Jerusalem church, especially through Peter(4:12-16). They performed many miracles and wonders among the people. They were highly regarded by the people. More and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. When the religious leaders saw this, they were filled with jealousy.(17). They became enemies of God. They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. They thought they could stop the apostles. 

* “But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out.” God is an almighty God and could do anything. But at this time he prefers to send his angels to open the prison doors and set his servants free. Compared with Mattew 27:62-28:7. Angel is a ministering  spirit to serve those who will inherit salvation(Heb 1:14).

* “‘Go, stand in the temple courts,’ he said, ‘and tell the people the full message of this new life.’” The angel did not say to them, “You are free. Run fast and get away from here.” Rather the angel told them to go and stand in the temple courts and tell the people the full message of new life in Jesus. Here are three verbs: go, stand, and tell. God wants them to go to the place where God wants. God wants them to stand and speak out. They must go to the public place and stand and speak out so that all may hear. They must speak boldly and resolutely. “

*Here we learn the heart of God. God is willing to sacrifice to proclaim the gospel to sinners. God sent his Son Jesus into a hostile environment. Now, God was sending his beloved disciples back to the temple courts at the risk of their lives. God wants to save perishing souls. God’s servants must know his heart. God’s servants must also be willing to sacrifice to preach the message of new life in a perishing world. 

*Temple courts is a public place, not a private place. The temple was also supposed to be God’s house, where people could come to hear his word and pray. But under the control of the high priest it had become a den of robbers.(John 2:14-22). In truth, Satan wanted to cut off the life-giving word of God from his people. The temple was like a spiritual battlefield.

*How about “full message”? The full message is necessary especially at this specific moment of persecution. It is easy to shrink back and water down their message.But they must serve the full message without missing anything as follows: Jesus was God in the flesh; Jesus died for our sins; God raised Jesus from the dead and exalted him to his own right hand as Lord and Christ; this Risen Christ will come again as King and Judge; at present, the Risen Christ sends the Holy Spirit to those who accept him; this all happened according to the Scriptures; the apostles are witnesses; whoever repents of his sins and believes will receive new life that is eternal, and the kingdom of God as his inheritance.  

*This new life? Especially Jewish people were familiar with Moses' laws. Although they were great, but they were mere shadows of Jesus Christ. They were partial or incomplete knowledge to introduce Jesus Christ. They do need full and new message. They also experienced the work of the Holy Spirit that was the totally new concept to the general people. 

 *How did the apostles respond to the angel’s command? “At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people.”

Read verses 21b-26. When did they know about what's going on? Read verses 27-29. How did the high priest rebuke them? What was the apostles' answer (compared with 4:19, 20)?  

*Several hours later, around the business hours such as 9:00 a.m., the high priest and his associates called together the Sanhedrin–the full assembly of the elders of Israel. They wanted to humiliate the apostles of Jesus. Then they sent for the apostles. But the apostles were not in the prison! It was embarrassing for them, especially for the captain of the temple guard. They had to admit that they could not shackle the apostles. Then someone reported that the apostles were standing in the temple courts teaching the people. It was the very thing the religious leaders wanted to prevent. In this way, God revealed that he was in control of things and he was holding the apostles in his hand. It was a clear message to the religious leaders. 

*The high priest tried to threaten the apostles, “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name. Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood” (28). 

*“Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!’” Peter and the other apostles had simply obeyed God’s word. Peter was very clear that he must obey God rather than men. Peter knew that the religious leaders were full of hatred and ready to do evil. But he did not fear men. He was ready to obey God at the risk of his life. At this time not only Peter, but all the apostles were ready to obey God at the risk of their lives. Compared with 4:19&20, they became more bold and came up with concise answer by putting the word “must”. They had martyrdom Spirit and they're simply unstoppable! 

Read verses 30-32. How did they make the most of this opportunity to witness about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit? What did they try to teach the Jewish leaders? Did the listeners repent (33)? 

*“The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead–whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.” The worst thing the religious leaders could do was kill the body. And they could do this only if God allowed them to. But God can raise the dead. God raised Jesus and exalted him to his own right hand. God made Jesus Prince and Savior. God made Jesus the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. God made Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords. When they had this assurance in their hearts they were fearless. Moreover, they had the Holy Spirits in their hearts. When they obeyed the angel’s message, the Holy Spirit came upon them and burned in their hearts. Their hearts were full of a sense of conquest and victory. “So is the Holy Spirit”

*Also they knew who their enemies really were. The high priest and  religious leaders here in Sanhedrin were mainly Sadducees(verses 17&21b) who were in charge of high position and considered themselves as ring leaders having authority and power. They did not believe resurrection nor angels. So they introduced the resurrection of Jesus first(30) and taught them about God has done in verse 31. “God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior” They prompted them to repent by humbling themselves before Jesus for Jesus is the very King and the Lord.  Also they introduced the Holy Spirit. When they obeyed without compromise, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was unseen, much less they did not believe His existance. But they taught them to obey the new owner, so called the Holy Spirit. Their message was three dimentional one delivered to two dimentional people who knew nothing but practical and political power in this limited world. All they have to do is to humbly listen their full message of new life and repent and obey Jesus who is the Prince and Savior.  

*When the religious leaders heard this, they were furious. They wanted to kill the apostles. They probably tore their silk garments and snarled viciously, baring sharp incisors like angry dogs. Their murderous inner persons were evident to all. The apostles were in danger. 

Read verses 34-39. Who was Gamaliel and how did he help the apostles? Read verses 40-42. Why did they rejoice even after they had been flogged? What can we learn from them (1Peter 4:13)?

*God used a renowned Pharisee named Gamaliel to reason with them. “...you will not be able to stop these men.” This was true! 

*Though the religious leaders decided to release the apostles, they had them flogged first. It must have been quite painful for the apostles. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus and let them go. Verse 41. “The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.” "But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed" (1Pe 4:13).

*“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.” The apostles used every day as a precious opportunity to preach the gospel of Jesus. They continued to teach in the temple courts boldly and courageously. They also went from house to house. Their message was, “Jesus is the Christ.” Here we learn that persecution did not hinder the gospel from spreading. 

Read 6:1-4. As the church grew, what problem arose? (1) How did the apostles decide to deal with it? Why was this an important decision? What was the result? (7)

*The Jerusalem church was growing remarkably. Disciples were growing: disciples are different from just mere church shoppers. God sent many people showing spiritual desire to learn and grow to be committed believers. They are ready to obey any sound teaching from bible teachers. 

In the Jerusalem church, there were Hebraic Jews and Grecian Jews. The Hebraic Jews spoke Aramaic and followed Jewish culture. The Grecian Jews spoke Greek and followed Greek culture. The Jerusalem church was predominantly Hebrew. Grecian Jews would have been a minority. Apparently, Satan used unintentional mistake or a matter of cultural sensitivity. 

*The Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.” Here we learn their key principle in doing God’s work. They gave first priority to the ministry of the word of God. This is what they had learned from Jesus. 

* “Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them....”(verse 3) The apostles decided to delegate the responsibility of food distribution to others. They asked the brothers to choose seven men for the task. The qualifications were not based on human ability, but spiritual maturity. The men had to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. 

*Verse 4. “...and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” The apostles clarified their mission to pray and serve God’s word. They did not become social workers or businessmen. They made a definite, absolute commitment to spend their time in prayer and the ministry of the word. This decision became the foundation of the spiritual life of the church. 

*The result was marvelous! “So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. 

*One word: “Go and stand in the temple courts and tell the full message of this new life”

LA UBF Bible Study Materials

Copyright © 2024 LA UBF. All Rights Reserved.

Go, Stand, and Tell

Mar 14, 2010

Acts 5:16-6:7



Acts 5:17-6:7                                                                                                             

Key Verse: 5:20


Good morning! Our study of the book of Acts is in full swing. Let's review the outline briefly to understand where we are standing at. This book has three parts: Part 1: Jesus’ witnesses conquered Jerusalem, the capital city of the Jews with the gospel message, 1-6:7. Part 2: Jesus’ witnesses spread his gospel throughout Judea and Samaria, 6:8-12:24. Part 3: Jesus’ witnesses went out to the ends of the earth, 12:25-28-31. So today we are standing at the climax and conclusion of part 1. We see here Jesus' fruits. With absolute obedience, the apostles turned Jerusalem into a harvest field. Likewise may the Lord help us to obey His command absolutely to become fruitful harvest workers. 

Part 1. Tell the people the full message of this new life(5:17-42)

According to previous message, the Holy Spirit was working greatly in the Jerusalem church. The apostles performed many miracles and wonders. They were highly regarded by the people. More and more people believed and were added to their number. Look at verse 17, “Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy.” Here I wonder why Sadduccees were filled with jealousy? Who were they? According to Acts 23:8, they denied resurrection(the new life after the death), angels, or even spirits. They only believed and tried to procure earthly power and money. Jesus' main teaching was about the kingdom of God. So Jesus' sacrificial life and kingdom message disturbed them. Jesus' popular movement jeopardized not only their place as the majority of the Sanhedrin, but also the support of the Romans. So they ended up leading the crowd to crucify him. The early Jerusalem church growing tremendously now, greatly disturbed them again. They were like angry bulldogs. They're confident that they could stop them. They arrested the apostles and put them in the jail. Look at verse 19, “But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out.” God is an almighty God and could do anything. This time he prefers to send his angel to open the prison doors and set them free. Angel is a ministering spirit to serve those who will inherit salvation. Also he delivered the clear message to them.
Look at the key verse 20 and let's read together. “‘Go, stand in the temple courts,’ he said, ‘and tell the people the full message of this new life.’” To the human mind, the angel's command does not appeared to be intelligent choice at all.  So he could say, “You are now free. Run fast and get away from here.” Here we learn three things. First God is our commander in chief. They're given the clear direction. In the command, there are three action verbs: go, stand, and tell. God wants them to go to the place where God wants. God wants them to stand and speak out. They must go to the public place and stand and speak out so that all may hear the message plainly. They must speak boldly and resolutely. “Stand and Speak” really means to stand to it, to live and even die by it. Second, God helps them to have full confidence and a sense of victory with the power of the gospel. When the apostles were persecuted by religious leaders again, they might have lost their full confidence. But the gospel message is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes(Rom 1:16). It is evident that they have already divine power to demolish any stronghold(2Cor 10:4,5). With such confidence, they were compelled to obey the command. Third, here we can learn the very heart of God. God is willing to sacrifice to proclaim the gospel to sinners. God sent his Son Jesus into a hostile world(John 3:16). Jesus suffered and died to save men from sin. Now, God was sending his beloved disciples back to the temple courts at the risk of their lives. Eventually they will meet the high priest in charge of the temple. God even had to give him the equal opportunity to listen the message and be saved. God wants to save perishing souls no matter who they are. God’s servants must know his heart. They must be willing to sacrifice to preach the message. 

Why then did God command them to go to the temple courts? The temple was supposed to be God’s house, where people come to hear his word and pray. One time Jesus had been very angry and cleansed the temple by driving out godless merchants. However, in many ways, the temple was still under the control of the high priest. He had his own police power. When he became jealous of the apostles, he tried to stop them from preaching there. Satan wanted to cut off the life-giving word of God from his people. The temple was like the fierce spiritual battlefield. God wanted them to go by faith, occupy the temple courts first and preach the gospel. Likewise our enemy Satan knows what is the effective way to attack God's work. They say that one of the most useful tools in the quest for power is the educational system. Whoever controls the schools will set the goals for the nation and ultimately control the future.  But in fact, most American universities were established by Christians for the purpose of producing Christian leaders. For example Harvard University was originally a training school for young ministers. It was founded based on John 17:3 “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” 52% of the graduates became ministers. However nowadays, there is a general impression that American universities are secular institutions producing modern day Sadducees looking for money and comfort in this world. Clearly in our own generation God's heart is broken and commands us to go, stand, and tell the message to college students. 

God also commanded them to speak the full message. At the time of     repeated persecution it's easy to shrink back and water down their message in order to avoid unnecessary conflict with the religious leaders. Peter served the message three times so far in chapter 2, 3, & 4. His messages have   points:Jesus was God in the flesh; Jesus died for our sins; God raised him from the dead and exalted him to his own right hand as Lord and Christ; this Risen Christ will come again as King and Judge; at present, the Risen Christ sends the Holy Spirit to those who accept him; this all happened according to the Scriptures; the apostles are witnesses; whoever repents of his sins and believes will receive new life that is eternal, and the kingdom of God as his inheritance. He was compelled to deliever the same full message without compromise to anyone, anytime, or anyplace!

How about “this new life”? New life is eternal and heavenly life. This new life has been given to the apostles. This new life stems from Jesus' death and resurrection. Sadducees do not believe resurrection. So their hope and vision is only stuck in this world. They're trying hard to grab the power and wealth. The people were influened by their value system and teaching. But Jesus died and rose again from the dead to bring “good news of great joy”. The apostles had been with Jesus and known Him in person and now became his witnesses. Most importantly they have eternal words by which anyone can have access to this new and eternal life. They've experienced the work of the Holy Spirit that was the brand new concept to the people. God really wanted them to introduce Him and let them know how to welcome Him in their hearts that are supposed to be real temple. How was the response of the apostles to the command? Look at verse 21a “At daybreak they entered the temple courts, as they had been told, and began to teach the people.” They did not delay. As soon as the temple opened in the early morning, the apostles went in and began to teach the word of God to the people. The word of God was preached and in such a way dying souls received this new life. God was very pleased. 

Several hours later, around the business hours 9:00 a.m., the high priest and his associates called together the Sanhedrin–the full assembly of the elders of Israel. They wanted to humiliate the apostles. Then they sent for the apostles. But they were not in the prison! Interestingly, the jail was securely locked with the guards still standing at the doors. It was embarrassing for them. They had to admit the fact that they could not shackle the apostles. Then someone reported that the apostles were standing in the temple courts teaching the people. It was the very thing the religious leaders wanted to prevent. In this way, God revealed that he was in control of things and he was holding the apostles in his hand. It was a clear message to the religious leaders. But the captain of the temple guard, fearing for losing his job, went into the temple courts and asked the apostles to please come before the Sanhedrin. He did not use force because he feared the people. The high priest tried to threaten the apostles, “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name. Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood” (28). His words tell us that the apostles had worked hard and courageously to preach the gospel all over Jerusalem. No doubt the religious leaders were convicted by the truth.

Look at verse 29. “Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather than men!’” Peter and the other apostles had simply obeyed God’s word. Why here “Peter and then the other apostles”? Peter was notorious for a man of big mouth. He was always confident that he would die for Jesus. But he ended up denying Jesus before a servant girl of the high priest three times. It has been described in all four gospels. So he completely failed to be loyal to Jesus because he was truly fearful and no resurrection faith. He never gave up false hope in this world. But in verse 29 he's not the same person any longer. He's changed. Peter knew that the audience were the religious leaders full of hatred and ready to kill him any minute. He's standing in front of the high priest and all his associates in Sanhedrin. Literally he is in the spotlight. But he did not fear men at all. He was ready to obey God at the risk of his life. At this time not only Peter, but all the apostles were ready to obey God at the risk of their lives. This time he put the word “must” first. he had martyrdom Spirit and he was simply unstoppable! What a remarkable change in his life and faith! It was Jesus' great fruit through personal time together with him. It is also the fulfillment of what Jesus had said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem” It is invisible change. But it is the noticeable first fruit and harvest inside of his heart. Let's look at his message out of his determined heart!

Look at verses 30-32. “The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead–whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.” So far Peter delivered three messages. But here his message is shortest but straightforward because he was determined to die for Jesus' name. Finally he's in the same boat with Jesus in terms of his attitude. He did not elaborate the message anymore compared with chapter 4. His full determination now resulted in speaking the full message of this new life of Jesus Christ. He delivered uncompromising message to anyone, even to the high priest and Sanhedrin members. In fact delivering his full message meant his death. But he finally stood to it and even be ready to die by it. When he was fully ready and had absolute attitude, he won the fierce battle by three knockout punchs. First he mentioned the resurrection of Jesus. It was the least and last thing the high priest wanted to hear. But Peter delievered the conclusion and climax about who Jesus really is. Next, “God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior” The audiences were the religious leaders. But in fact they were politicians and businessmen for they are trying to secure their political power and money. So Peter landed another knockout KO punch to prompt them to humble themselves before Jesus. Jesus is the very King and the Lord worthy of their true worship. Third knockout punch was about the invisible Holy Spirit. He taught them to obey the very new owner of this generation. All they have to do is to humbly repent and listen His full message of this brandnew resurrection life. Repent and obey Jesus who is the very Prince and Savior designated by God! Jesus said in John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” Now it's fulfilled through Peter as the first fruit. He had his job done finally as a witness to the full extent by giving the full message even to the commander in chief in the enemies' stronghold, high priest. So it's now his responsibility to repent or perish, period!

But unforturnately they did not repent. Instead they were furious. They wanted to kill the apostles. They remained as angry dogs. Their murderous intention was evident to all. Look at verse 34. But God used a renowned Pharisee named Gamaliel to reason with them based on the facts throughout the history of failed messianic movements. In fact he took a neutral stand. Nevertheless, something he said is quite remarkable: “...you will not be able to stop these men.” It was true. The gospel message could not be confined by anything such as a jail or a kangaroo court. Though the religious leaders decided to release the apostles, they had them flogged first. It must have been really painful for them. But look at verse 41. “The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.” This is another mystery. They were filled with heavenly joy satisfing their souls. Look at verse 42. “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.” The apostles preached the gospel everyday, not only in the temple courts, but also went from house to house. Their message was clear, saying “Jesus is the Christ.” It means that Christ is the anointed one by God who is the Lord and the true King. In this way the gospel of Jesus was spreading rapidly throughout Jerusalem.

I was a typical candidate to be a modern day Sadduccees to work hard to gain worldly power and money. My old name means to become a prime minister. But God had mercy on me and sent me a Bible teacher. Through a personal Bible study I met Jesus as my Lord and Savior. God blessed me to be a missionary based on Romans 1:5, “Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith.”  I however ended up being fearful. I found myself as a fake missionary. Sometimes I hold my missionary title. But always I habitually said that I'd like to go back Korea to resume my career as a Radiologist when I had small difficulties. Also I was looking for an alternative way to compensate my loss. So always my mentality was to try little and ran away anytime. But through this passage I deeply repented of my relative attitude and false hope in this world and renewed my heart and pick up absolute hope and faith in Jesus. Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But it it dies, it produces many seeds.” God wants me to obey His command to serve fearful young college students who are much like modern day Sadduccees  trying to grab something tangible in this limited world without real meaning or true vision. I earnestly pray to go, stand, and tell them about the full message of this new life.

Part 2, give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word(6:1-7) 

Look at verse 1a. “In those days when the number of disciples was increasing...” The number of disciples was increasing day by day. “Disciples” are not just church shoppers. They showed clear desire to learn and even to be trained according to God's desire. They made personal commitments to Jesus and accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord. The church was growing, not only in number, but in quality or spiritual depth. But whenever anything is growing, problems arise.  In the Jerusalem church, there were Hebraic Jews and Grecian Jews. The Hebraic Jews spoke Aramaic and followed Jewish culture. The Grecian Jews spoke Greek and followed Greek culture. The Jerusalem church was predominantly Hebrew. Grecian Jews were a minority. Apparently, Hebraic Jews were in charge of distributing food to the needy on a daily basis. They never missed giving food to the Hebraic widows. But they overlooked Grecian widows. It must be unintentional. The first time was okay. But it happened again and again. The Grecian widows began to be hungry. They became skinny and pale and sorrowful.

So in verse 2, the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.” Here we learn their key principle in doing God’s work. They gave first priority to the ministry of the word of God. In fact this is what they had learned from Jesus. Jesus was always giving the word of God to the people who came to him, even though they came for other purposes. But they didn't avoid responsibility for feeding hungry widows. Look at verse 3. “Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them” The apostles asked the brothers to choose seven men for the task. The qualifications were not based on human ability, but spiritual maturity. The men had to be full of the Spirit and at the same time practical wisdom.They were seven. In this way, the ministry of the word of God can be carried out most efficiently and fruitfully with unity. Look at verse 4. “...and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” The apostles clarified their mission to pray and serve God’s word. This clear decision became the foundation of the spiritual and healthy church in Jerusalem. When they made such a clear direction, the whole group was very pleased. Look at verse 7. “So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and even a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” Here a large number of priests who became believers in Jesus most likely, were Sadducees. Not a few but a large number of priests! What a victory! Literally God turned Jerusalem into a harvest field from top to bottom. Sadducees ceased to exist in 40 years. But the gospel continued to spread to conqueor the world. God never fails. Only wins! God will surely turn Los Angeles to be a harvest field for Bible America and world mission. Amen. 

One word: “Go and stand and tell the full message of this new life”

LA UBF Bible Study Materials

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