But Because You Say So

Aug 29, 2010

Luke 5:1-11



Luke 5:1-11

Key Verses 5:4-5

4When He had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’  5Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.  But because You say so, I will let down the nets.’”

Read vs. 1-3.  Describe Jesus’ lakeside Bible conference.  How did Simon find himself 

involved in it?

Read v.4.  What did Jesus ask Simon after He had finished speaking to the crowd?  Why do you think Jesus asked him to do such a thing?  Read v. 5.  What was Simon’s reply?  Why do you think he decided to let down the nets?  What does his reply show about him?  How could Jesus’ direction been difficult for Simon to listen to?  

Read vs. 6-7.  What happened when Simon obeyed Jesus’ Words?  What can we learn here?

Read vs. 8-10a.  When Simon Peter saw this what did he do?  Why?  Read v. 10b.  What did Jesus then say?  What does it mean?  What can we learn?  Read v. 11.  What did Simon and his companions then do?





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