I Am Ready To Be Bound and Die

Oct 17, 2010

Acts 21:1-36


I Am Ready To Be Bound and Die

Acts 21:1-36

Key Verse 21:13

Then Paul answered, 'Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.'

In verses 1-16, what stops did Paul make on his journey to Jerusalem? Why? What kind of fellowship did he have with the believers? How strongly did they tell him not to go to Jerusalem? (4, 10-14) Why might the Holy Spirit have warned Paul so many times about what was going to happen to him?

Read verse 13. What do the following statements in Paul's reply show about him:

1) "Why are you weeping and breaking my heart?"

2) "I am ready not only to be bound, but also die in Jerusalem"

3) "for the name of the Lord Jesus"

Do you think all Christians should have the same attitude as Paul? Why? (Consider Gal 2:20) How did the believers finally respond to Paul? (14)

What issue overshadowed Paul's report? (17-22) What was Paul asked to do? (23-25) Do you think their solution was good? Why? How did this lead to Paul's arrest? (26-27)

What did they accuse Paul of? (28-29) How great was the attack against Paul? How did Paul respond to his attackers? What do you learn from his example?



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