Have Faith in God

Jan 2, 2011

Mark 11:11-25



Mark 11:11-25  

Key verse 11:22

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.

Read verse 11. After arriving in Jerusalem, where did Jesus go? Why? Read verses 12-14. How did Jesus curse the fruitless fig tree in the presence of His disciple? Why was Jesus displeased with the fig tree?  How was this fig tree like the condition of the temple at that time? (Isa. 5:2)

Read verses 15-19. What did Jesus do when He went to the temple in Jerusalem? Think about God's purpose for his city and people (Isa. 2:3; Exo 19:6a).  What did Jesus teach about the true meaning of the temple? (17) 

Read verses 20-21. As Jesus and his disciples walked along, what did Peter notice? Why was he surprised? How was this event a warning for the Israelites?  

Read verses 22-23.  How did Jesus respond? (22)  What does it mean to have faith in God? What did Jesus teach them about the power of faith? (23)  Why must we overcome doubt?  How can we?

Read verses 24-25. What is the relationship between faith and prayer? (24, 25) Why is forgiveness important in prayer?



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