Feed My Lambs

Jan 16, 2011

bible.special 21:1-17



John 21:1-17

Key Verse 21:15

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”

Read verses 1-6 and compare this passage with Luke 5:1-6. What do the two fishing expeditions indicate about the life “in” (or “out of”) Jesus?

Read verses 7-8. What does this passage suggest about [Simon] Peter’s relationship with Jesus?

Read verses 9-14 and describe the breakfast on the beach.  What does this passage tell us about Jesus’ relationship with His disciples? 

Read verses 15-17 and think about Jesus’ words:  “Do you truly love me more than these?” In what respect is it necessary for all who believe in the Lord to answer these questions?

Read verses 15-17 and think about the commands: Feed my lambs; Take care of my sheep;  Feed my sheep.  Who are “lamb” or “sheep”? What do the commands tell us about Jesus’ will for them? 



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