Feed My Lambs

Jan 16, 2011

bible.special 21:1-17



John 21:1-17

Key Verse 21:15

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”

This passage teaches us that life of mission (in the Lord) is truly fulfilling. 

Read verses 1-6 and compare this passage with Luke 5:1-6. What do the two fishing expeditions indicate about the life “in” (or “out of”) Jesus?

** Life outside of Jesus will end up empty. It is only the life in Jesus that we can see our boat getting full.  This is true of the fruit for when we try to do anything (feeding sheep, for example) on our own (without Jesus) what we think we have accomplished will also come to nothing. Only that which comes in and through Jesus will remain.


Read verses 7-8. What does this passage suggest about [Simon] Peter’s relationship with Jesus?

** The relationship with Jesus remains broken.  He looked at himself. He focused on himself, especially the sins he committed. He needed to remember Jesus’ forgiving love.  


Read verses 9-14 and describe the breakfast on the beach.  What does this passage tell us about Jesus’ relationship with His disciples? 

** Although Peter was unfaithful to Jesus, Jesus still loves him. 

Read verses 15-17 and think about Jesus’ words:  “Do you truly love me more than these?” In what respect is it necessary for all who believe in the Lord to answer these questions?

** The words “truly”, “love”, and “more than these” stand out. What causes the relationship with Jesus shaky is the problem of us loving something or someone more than Jesus.  The word ‘love’ tells us that our relationship with Jesus should not be legalistic, but based on love, that is, the other centered, not me centered. Love must be mutual. Jesus demonstrated his unfailing love.  We must love him back, as much as he loves us. Then we become like a tree planted by the streams of life. 

Read verses 15-17 and think about the commands: Feed my lambs; Take care of my sheep;  Feed my sheep.  Who are “lamb” or “sheep”? What do the commands tell us about Jesus’ will for them? 

** Lamb or sheep denotes those who are not fully established in the love of Jesus Christ. They are spiritually blind, and remain deficient in knowledge, spirit of love and power.  

** Jesus shed his blood for all of them.  So Jesus wants his disciples to help his sheep to come to know Jesus better and be established in His love, so they all would be saved. 

** Write a Bible testimony about the Christian life that is truly fulfilling (cf.  2Co 5:10).



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