He Appointed Twelve

Apr 3, 2011

Mark 3:1-19


He Appointed Twelve--Designating Them Apostles

Mark 3:1-19

Key verse 3:14-15 

He appointed twelve -- designating them apostles--that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.

I. Jesus healed the man with the shriveled hand (1-6)

1. Read verses 1-3.  Who was in the synagogue on the Sabbath? (1)  What was the motive of the Pharisees who were watching Jesus closely? (2) What was Jesus’ response? (3) 

2. Read verses 4-6. What did Jesus ask them? (4)  Why was Jesus upset and deeply distressed? (5)  What did Jesus ask the man with the shriveled hand? (5)  What can we learn from Jesus and the man? What did the Pharisees do after this event? (6)

II. Crowds follow Jesus (7-12)

3. Read verses 7-12.  Why did many people come to Jesus? (8,10-11)  What did Jesus do for these people? (10)  What happened whenever the evil spirits saw him? (11)  Why did he give them strict order not to tell who he was? (12)

III. The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles (13-19)

4. Read verses 13-15. What do you think Jesus did on the mountain? (13; Luke 6:12)  Who did he call? (13) Why did Jesus appoint them? (14-15) 

5. Read verses 16-19.  Who were the twelve apostles?  Who had nicknames?  What do you know about these twelve men?  Why do you think he called the twelve from such ordinary men?



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