I Have Overcome the World

Feb 26, 2012

John 16:16-33

Your Grief Will Turn To Joy

Your Grief Will Turn To Joy

John 16:16-33

Key verse: 20b


“You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy”

Read verses 16-22. What did Jesus predict about himself? (16)  Why did the word, ‘a little while,’ bother the disciples? (17-18) What did Jesus mean by, ‘in a little while,’ and, ‘after a little while’? (19) Why does Jesus compare his imminent departure with childbirth? (20-22) 

Read verses 23-24. ‘In that day’ why wouldn’t they ask Jesus anymore? (23) What had the disciples' prayer life been before? (24a) What change would Jesus' death and resurrection make? (24b) Why is it important to ‘ask’ in Jesus’ name?

Read verses 25-28. Whom will Jesus plainly speak about? (25)  How did Jesus help His disciples come to the Father? (26) Why does the Father God love them? (27) Why did Jesus again repeat about his origin and destination? (28)

Read verses 29-33. What did they now believe and what was the basis of their belief? (29, 30) How did Jesus prepare them before the coming troubles? (32) What was Jesus certain about concerning his Father? (32b) How can we have peace in a troubled world? (33) 

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