Complete Unity

Mar 18, 2012

John 17:20-26

Complete Unity�

Complete Unity

John 17:20-26

Key verse 23

“I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know

that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”


This passage is Jesus’ prayer for all believers. His prayer is for their complete unity. 

Through the unity among Jesus’ disciples and Trinity God  the world may know that God has sent Jesus and that God loves them as much as God loves Jesus. 

1. Read verses 20 and 21. For whom does Jesus also pray? What are his two prayer topics for them? (21) What will the world believe when all believers are in the Father and Jesus? (21b)

 Read verses 20 and 21.

20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 

For whom does Jesus pray also? 

*He is praying for future believers who will believe him through the message of his disciples. When Jesus offered his last prayer together with his disciples he was mindful of all believers who will believe in him. 

When we offer our prayer we can pray not only our immediate physical and spiritual children but also all of our future children like Jesus. 

*Those are the new disciples and all believers who will believe in Jesus through his disciples. Jesus has currently handful of his disciples in front of him. 

He will die soon through the most humiliating way, the crucifixion. But he was not overwhelmed by his own sorrow. He has vision to see through all believers through his disciples. He saw the fruit and the crown(glory) through his sacrifice. 

Jesus’ prayer also reminds us of God’s promise to Abraham when he asked Abraham to look up to heaven and count the stars in order to count the number of his (Abraham’s) descendants. 

God is the God of vision and promise. Jesus is about to die on the cross, the symbol of shame and humiliation. But he was filled with vision. 

What are His two prayer topics for them? (21)

* 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 

1. First of all, all of them may be one.

In the sports world a common chant is: “We are number one!” “We are number one!”

Especially the super Bowl season or college football bowl game season.

But in our believing life as Jesus’ disciples, our most important chant is “We are one!, We are one!”

God’s work is to make all of believers be one. The union betrween the Father and Jesus is the model for the union among believers. 

In contrast being divided and conflicted is the work of Satan no matter how reasonable excuse one might have. For example, after the fall the unity among Adam and his wife Eve was broken because they blamed each other. 

God’s work is to respect and learn each other and be united.

Ephesian 1:10b reads, “-to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.”

This prayer is basically the same as his prayer for his disciples “so that they may be one as we are one” (John 17:11b)

In 1776 Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson(among key founders) described the creation of one nation out of thirteen colonies. “United States of America”

"United we stand, divided we fall" is a phrase that has been used in HYPERLINK ""mottos, songs from nations and states. The basic concept is that unless the people are united, they will be easily destroyed.

There are many members in the church like human body (God created lots of organs in the body to synchronize for action such as autonomic nervous system).

We are being joined into a spiritual unity or entity. This is what the church is all about! We are many in parts, but one in body. 

In UBF there are many diverse groups among the white, black, brown, and much more. So to be united is not a small thing. The union is only possible through the secret of oneness through the gospel and through the example between the Father and Jesus. 

2. they also may be in us (Father and Jesus) 

“To be in the Father and Jesus” is another prayer topics for his future disciples. 

Jesus prayed for all believers to be one with the Father and Jesus by having right relationship with God. 

Jesus prayed that each believer might have a personal relationship with Jesus so that the believer might have a personal relationship with God. 

Ultimately Jesus was praying for his disciples to be one not only among them but also with him and the Father. 

What does the world believe when all believers are in the Father and Jesus? (21b)

*God has sent Jesus- this is the simplest and shortest gospel message because God took an initiative to send his One and Only Son Jesus to us while we are still sinners. 

People are not willing to listen to us if there is no unity among us. However if believers become one and even one with the Father and Jesus people will know that God has sent Jesus (in order to save all mankind.) 

2. Read verses 22 and 23. What has Jesus given them in order to make them one? What does he mean by the glory? (22; Jn 1:14) Why does Jesus pray for complete unity? (23)

Read verses 22 and 23. 

22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: 23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

What has Jesus given them in order to make them one? 

Jesus have given them the glory that the Father gave. This is another way for them to be one.

“The glory that you gave me” may refer to Jesus’ glory as God’s one and only Son. Jesus’ glory was revealed through his sacrificial death and resurrection from the dead. By believing the glory of Jesus all believers can become one. They will be one in terms of knowing and believing the same glory of Jesus. 

When Jesus’ disciples have Jesus’ glory in them they could be changed and they could become one. It is because they will be moved by Jesus’ glory so much. They would be changed from selfish men to sacrificial men of God. The same thing will happen for all of Jesus’ future disciples. 

What does he mean by the glory? (22; Jn 1:14) 

* Grace and truth---

John 1:14 

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

Why does Jesus pray for complete unity? (23)

* Let the world know that God sent Jesus and have loved them even the same way as God have loved Jesus

When Jesus’ people become one, the world recognizes that God sent Jesus and that God loves Jesus’ people as the Father loves Jesus.   

Therefore if they become one they can be witnesses of Jesus’ death and resurrection. The world will recognize the power of Jesus’ sacrificial love on the cross and would be transformed.  

If Jesus’ disciples love one another because of his name, the devil--the incarnation of hatred--lose the power, as the darkness disappears before the light. 

Complete unity is different from partial unity. It is also different from disguised unity. 

What is the secret of forming a complete unity? 

It is in and through deep repentance of our selfish motive. We can form the complete unity by having the same life purpose and desire. 

Verse 23a, “I in them and you in me” “May they be brought to complete unity”

Jesus is in them and God is in Jesus.  God is Father and Jesus is Son. Jesus is teacher and Savior and they are students and sinners. But we can have perfect unity among them. 

Jesus humbly resides in them and God dwells in Jesus. it is possible with perfect love. 

The unity has been given by God. Ephesian 4:3- we need to preserve that unity in us as we have learned. 

Ephesians 4: 1-5

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

Also it is possible with the single purpose to live for the glory of God. We must glorify God at any situation. We must love another so that we may prove ourselves to be Jesus’


We can not say that we are Jesus’ people if we don’t set our life purpose to live for the glory of God. We can not say that we are Jesus’ people if we don’t love one another. 

3. Read verses 24-26. What are the two blessings Jesus wanted to share with them? (24) How did Jesus refer to God and why? (25a) What do they know? (25b) Why does Jesus make efforts to make God known to them? (26)

Read verses 24-26. 

* 24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

What are the two blessings Jesus wanted to share with them? (24) 

*They may be where Jesus is and they see Jesus’ eternal glory

Jesus prayed earnestly for all his people to be with him in the kingdom of God after their pilgrimage on earth. 

Jesus did not simply improve their human conditions. Rather he prayed that their individual name may be written in the book of life to be members of God’s eternal family. 

Furthermore Jesus wanted them to see Jesus’ eternal glory. It meant that they may enjoy the power and glory of the kingdom of God to come with him forever. 

How does Jesus call God and why? (25a)

* “Righteous Father”. Jesus knows who His Father is; the righteous Father. In verse 11 he mentioned about protecting his disciples by the power of Father’s name. 

Also Jesus will die on the cross sooner or later. He could have been emotionally irritated. But he called God as “Father” (John 17:24) and here “Righteous Father” (25). 

Jesus was not a victim of the crowd or the religious leader. Rather he knew the fact that God is righteous. 

His way of suffering to the crucifixion is the way to bring God’s righteousness. 

Additional comment: “The name” Jesus refers to in verse 11 could be “Holy Father” because he says in verse 11b “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.” However, certainly “Righteous Father” has another Father’s name Jesus mentioned in his priestly prayer.

 What do they know? (25b) 

* God has sent Jesus- This is the gospel message. Because God has sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ, mankind can have access to His eternal life and salvation. 

The word ‘know’ is repeated 5 five times in two verses 25 and 26. Jesus said “To know the only true God and Jesus Christ Know” equals “eternal life” according to John 17:3.  So Jesus made effort to make God known to them further and deeper especially God sent Jesus who is the ultimate expression of his divine love.

In this passage(verse 20 to 26) believe appears once in verse 21 and after that John repeated “know” continually. Who knows Jesus better, deeper, and higher? We may believe Jesus better as we know Jesus more.

Most likely apostle John was the very person who knew the true God and Jesus Christ whom God has sent the most. He could write the revelation with his deep knowledge and insight. 

Why does Jesus make effort to make God known to them? (26)

* I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.

Jesus reveals the Father God so that people may know that the Father loves them as much as he loves his son Jesus and that Jesus may be in them.

This is consistent with his life purpose to let them know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom God had sent (17:3). 

Jesus wants all his people to know how much God loves them and how much he wants to be united with them.

Revelation came to apostle John continually so that he may be a powerful witness to the believers especially at the time of his writing (John and Revelation). No other reason can we find that he had to live longer than anyone.   

In conclusion) 

May God give us the same prayer spirit like that of our Lord, Jesus Christ who prayed for all his inheritance (Jesus’ people) with a great vision to see them in the kingdom of God. 

Help us to live for the glory of God through intimate and personal relationship with Him. May the Lord help us to be one in the love of God. Amen.

One word) Complete unity!

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