Work Together for the Truth

Jul 8, 2012

3 John 1:1-14





3 John 1-14

Key verse: 8 

“We ought therefore to show hospitality to such men so that we may work together for the truth.”



Read verses 1-4. How does the author introduce himself? (1a) Who does he write his letter to? (1b) What is his prayer to Gaius? (2) What was the source of his great joy? (3, 4)



Read verses 5-8. In what respect was he spoken well of? (5, 6) For what sake did the brothers go out? (7a, Roman 1:5) Why did they need help? (7b) Why should we show hospitality toward such men? (8)  


Read verses 9-10. What did Diotrephes love to be? (9) What was Diotrephes doing which the author calls attention to? (10). 




Read verses 11-14. What did the author tell us to do? (11)  Who is from God and who has not seen God? (11) Who is the other good example mentioned of being faithful in the truth? (12) What is the author’s plan involving his friend? (13) What are his final greetings? (14)




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