Ask the Lord of the Harvest

Jul 28, 2013

Matthew 9:35-38

Ask the Lord of the Harvest

Ask the Lord of the Harvest

Matthew 9:35-38

Key Verse 38

 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field”

1. Read verse 35. Where does Jesus go through? (35a) What does Jesus do? (35b) Why do people need ‘teaching’, ‘proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God’ and ‘healing’? 

2. Read verse 36. When Jesus sees the crowds, what arises in Jesus’ heart? (36a) What’s the reason for this? (36b) Who do you think are ‘sheep without a shepherd’?

3. Read verse 37. Who does Jesus address here? (37a) What does Jesus say to them? (37b) What is the meaning of  ‘the harvest is plentiful’ and ‘the workers are few’?

4. Read verse 38. What does Jesus ask them to do as a step of action? (38a) What’s the Lord’s relationship to the harvest and fields? (38a) Where are his workers sent? (38b) Where could His plentiful harvest fields be for each of us?



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