Blessed Is He

Dec 28, 2014

bible.psalm 1:1-6


Blessed is the Man

Psalm 1:1-6

Key Verse 2

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

1. Read verses 1-2. Who is described as being blessed? (1) What do the blessed delight in? (2a) What do the blessed do day and night? (2b) What do you think these verses show about the life of someone who is blessed?

2. Read verse 3. In what aspects are the blessed like a tree planted by streams of water? (3, John 15:5-7) What do you think this comparison symbolizes in your life?

3. Read verses 4-5. What are the wicked compared to? (4) What do you think this comparison symbolizes? What will happen to the wicked and to sinners? (5)

4. Read verse 6. Who watches over the way of the righteous? (6a) Where does the way of the wicked lead? (6b) How do you think we can be blessed in the new year based on this passage?



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