But Say the Word

Jan 18, 2015

Luke 7:1-10


Such Great Faith

Luke 7:1-10

Key Verse 9

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.”


This passage describes the faith of a centurion in the Roman army. He was a Gentile but loved Jewish people and showed his great respect toward Jesus and his humility. Furthermore he believed the power of Jesus’ word. Jesus was amazed at his faith and honored and blessed his faith.

  1. Read verses 1 - 3. Where does Jesus enter after He had finished his sermon? How serious is the illness of the centurion’s servant and how does the centurion consider him? (2) Why do you think the centurion sent some elders of the Jews to Jesus to ask him to heal his servant? (3)

1-1, Read verses 1 - 3.

When Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum. 2 There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. 3 The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant.

1-2, Where does Jesus enter after He had finished his sermon?

  • Jesus entered Capernaum which was known as a fishing village and located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was also the hometown of Peter, Andrew, James, John, and Matthew.

1-3, How serious is the illness of the centurion’s servant and how does the centurion consider him? (2)

There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die.

  • His servant was sick and about to die. It was hopeless and helpless condition.

  • His master valued him highly.

  • Although there is not enough information here, the servant must have been a good servant to his master. We are supposed to be good servants to our Lord Jesus with diligence and faithfulness. It will be great honor for us to be valued highly by our Lord Jesus as good servants.

  • The centurion as the master of the servant knew how to value his servant. Many masters don’t recognize or value their servant despite their service.

  • Our Lord Jesus never misses his servants’ good work and values them highly.

1-4, Why do you think the centurion sent some elders of the Jews to Jesus to ask him to heal his servant? (3)

The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant.

  • The kindness of the centurion – We can see that he shows kindness to his servant. He must have cared for him tenderly when he was sick.

  • He sent some elders of the Jews. In this way he greatly respected and honored Jesus. He could treat Jesus as one of ordinary Jews and order him to come for he was a centurion. However he recognized Jesus as the very one being worthy to receive great honor and respect. Indeed Jesus is the very one who is worthy to receive our highest honor and respect.

2. Read verses 4 - 6a. How do the elders ask Jesus to help the centurion? (4) What can we learn about the centurion based on what they say? How does Jesus respond? (6a)

2-1. Read verses 4 - 6a.

4 When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, 5 because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” 6 So Jesus went with them.

2-2, How do the elders ask Jesus to help the centurion? (4)

4 When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this,

  • They pleaded earnestly with him.

  • Jews hated Gentiles for they considered them dirty animals. They thought that they deserved to be judged by God and they were their enemies. But the centurion was highly valued by the Jews. The elders were willing to help him and they pleaded earnestly with Jesus.

2-3, What can we learn about the centurion based on what they say?

5 because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.”

  • He loved their nation and had built a synagogue for them. Usually a Roman centurion is known as a cruel soldier. He could have despised them but he did not. Rather he loved the people and did good things to them by going the extra mile to build a synagogue.

  • We can learn from him his kindness and gentle heart. This is one way to be like our Lord Jesus for kindness is the character that Jesus showed us.

  • When we are kind to others, all the barriers, walls and negative feelings among us can disappear and we can be good friends with each other.

  • When we are kind to others and do good thing to them, even our enemies can love and do good things for us.

2-4, How does Jesus respond? (6a)

6 So Jesus went with them.

  • Jesus was willing to do a favor for the centurion even though he was a gentile. Jesus was not a savior for Jewish people only. He is the savior for all people on earth.

  • Jesus thought that the centurion was worthy to be visited by him even though the centurion thought that he didn’t deserve it.

  • Jesus valued and recognized the centurion’s kindness and love. God never misses our kindness and anything good that we have done for others. He rewards us greatly.

3. Read verses 6b - 8. Why does the centurion send his friends to tell Jesus not to come to his house? (6b, 7a) What does he ask Jesus to do instead and what does he believe? (7b) How does he understand the authority of Jesus’ Word? (8)

3-1, Read verses 6b - 8.

He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. 7 That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. 8 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

3-2, Why does the centurion send his friends to tell Jesus not to come to his house? (6b, 7a)

  • “I do not deserve to have you come under my roof”. What great humility the centurion has! The Jewish elders said, “This man deserves to have you do this”. But he found himself unworthy even to have Jesus in his house.

  • He regarded Jesus so highly. He considered Jesus to be the highest, even higher than the Roman emperor. He could not have such a person in his house.

  • Jesus is so high that even the entire universe cannot accommodate him. But Jesus is so humble and wants to dwell in our hearts.

  • Humility is God’s character. We are all born proud. When we humble ourselves, God can work in us and bless us. “Everyone who exalts himself shall be abased, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted”(Lk 18:14)

  • Sometimes we think that we are good enough to deserve God’s blessing. But we have to realize that we don’t deserve to have Jesus and his blessing and that we are receiving God’s blessing and salvation only by his grace.

3-3, What does he ask Jesus to do instead and what does he believe? (7b)

But say the word, and my servant will be healed

  • “But say the word” – He believed that a word of Jesus is sufficient to heal the sickness. He didn’t ask Jesus to show any additional signs .

  • He believed the power of Jesus’ word. He believed that Jesus’ word will be fulfilled without limitation such as time or space.

  • He believed that whatever Jesus says it will be done just as he says. He believed the absolute and ultimate power of Jesus’ word. We have to rely on Jesus’ word regardless of the situation.

  • God revealed the power of his word by creating the universe through his word. “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” (Hb 11:3)

  • The true faith is to believe the power of God’s word.

3-4, How does he understand the authority of Jesus’ Word? (8)

  • He understood Jesus’ authority based on his experience of authority. As he had his own authority over his soldiers, or Roman Emperor’s authority over himself, he believed that Jesus had authority over all things even over serious diseases.

  • He believed that Jesus is the almighty Lord and the King. He also believed that any diseases will be cured by Jesus’ authority and His order.

  • His faith in the power of Jesus’ word came from his recognition of Jesus’ authority. He believed that Jesus has the highest authority over all and all things will obey his word. “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Mt 28:18)

  • When we truly believe Jesus’ authority we can believe the power of His word.

4. Read verses 9 - 10. How does Jesus respond and what does he say about the centurion’s faith? (9) Why do you think Jesus points out his faith as such great faith? What happens to the servant? (10)

4-1, Read verses 9 - 10.

9 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” 10 Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.

4-2, How does Jesus respond and what does he say about the centurion’s faith? (9)

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.”

  • Jesus was amazed at him because of his faith. Jesus was so pleased with his faith. He was more surprised for he was a gentile.

  • Jesus honored the centurion’s faith. He highly recognized his faith. Our good faith pleases God and God recognizes, honors, and blesses it. (Hebrew 11:6)

  • The centurion’s faith was better than that of the Jews. Jews were slow to believe Jesus’ word and asked signs and wonders instead.

  • Jesus’ praise for the centurion shows that Jesus did not show favoritism but accepts anyone who had faith.

4-3, Why do you think Jesus points out his faith as such great faith?

  • It was because of his faith in the power of Jesus’ word. The centurion didn’t ask or wonder, but simply believed the authority of Jesus’ command.

  • This is the truest and highest faith that God wants us to have.

  • We have the word of God’s promise. We should believe just what Jesus said. We should believe that every word Jesus said will come true. The word of Christ is the sure foundation that we can stand and rely on. Those who lean upon Jesus’ word shall never be shaken.

  • We will be found forgiven, justified, and glorified at the last day because “Jesus says so,” and therefore it shall be done.

4-4, What happens to the servant? (10)

10 Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.

  • Without even seeing or touching the sufferer, Jesus healed the dying man by a single word. He speaks, and the sick man is cured.

  • It was done just as Jesus said. It was the proof of the power of Jesus’ word. The faith of centurion came true. It was done just as he believed.

  • The servant was restored to health through his master’s intercession and faith. He was brought under Jesus’ healing through his master’s faith.

  • When we have faith, people in our household and church and the world, we will experience healing through the faith. We can bring many people to Jesus like the centurion who showed kindness to his servant.

In Conclusion

Through this passage we learned what kind of faith we should have desired the most. It is to believe the power of Jesus’ words. May the Lord help us to have the same faith and like the centurion, we may live a life of victory in bringing many to Jesus and receiving healing power through believing His living words. Amen.

One Word: Say the word!



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