Ask and Receive

Jun 28, 2015

Luke 11:5-13


Ask and Receive

Luke 11:5-13

Key verse 13

“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

  1. Read verses 5-8. Why did one go to a friend at midnight? (5-6) How did the friend respond? (7) What caused him to change his mind? (8) What can we learn from this parable?

  2. Read verses 9-10. What did Jesus say? (9, 10) What did Jesus promise to those who persistently ask, seek, and knock? What does it mean by “ask”, “seek”, and “knock”? Whom is this promise given to? (10) How can we apply this promise in our prayer?

  3. Read verses 11-13. In what aspects are all fathers alike? (11, 12) How much more will our heavenly Father give us? (13) To whom does He give the Holy Spirit? (13b) What can we learn from our heavenly Father?



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