The Eye is the Lamp of Your Body

Jul 12, 2015

Luke 11:29-36


The Eye is the Lamp of Your Body

Luke 11:29-36

Key Verse 34

  1. Read verses 29 and 30. What did Jesus say as the crowds increased? (29) Why did Jesus compare the crowds with a wicked generation? What sign would be given to the generation as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites? (29b, 30)

  2. Read verses 31 and 32. Who will condemn the people of the generation at the judgment and why? (31, 32) What can we learn from the Queen of the South and the men of Nineveh? In what aspects is Jesus greater than Solomon or Jonah?

  3. Read verses 33 and 34. Where do people put a lamp and why? (33) Why is our eye the lamp of our body? (34a). What will happen to our body when our eyes are healthy? (34b)

How can this truth apply to us?

  1. Read verses 35 and 36. What does it mean by “the light within you is not darkness’? (35) What will happen if our whole body is full of light? (36) How can we have light to the full?

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