Sep 3, 2017

James 4:1-17



James 4:1-17

Key Verse: 4:8

“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

  1. Read verses 1-5. What is the cause of fights and quarrels? (1-2a) What are the two reasons we don’t have what we want? (2b-3) Why shouldn’t we choose to be a friend of the world? (4-5)

  2. Read verses 6-10. To whom does God give more grace? (6) What does James tell us to do in order to come near to God and to resist the devil? (7-10)

  3. Read verses 11-12. Why shouldn’t we speak against others? (11a) Why should we keep the law instead of judging it? (11b) Who is the only lawgiver and Judge? (12)

  4. Read verses 13-17. Why shouldn’t we cling to the false security of our own plans? (13, 14) How should we view and live our lives instead of being boastful? (15, 16)

Why must we practice what we know? (17)

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