2 Corinthians 2:1-17
Key Verse 15
For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
Read verses 1-11. What was Paul’s decision and why? (1-2) How did Paul express his concern and great love for the Corinthian believers? (3-4) What did Paul advise them to do for the one who had grieved them? (5-11)
Read verses 12-14. Why did Paul go on to Macedonia despite opportunity in Troas? (12-13) For what did Paul thank God? (14) What did he mean when he referred to ‘spreading the aroma of the knowledge of Christ’?
Read verses 15-17. Why are we the pleasing aroma of Christ to all the people? (15-16) How was Paul different from so many others when he preached the word of God? (17)
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