2 Corinthians 11:16-33
Key Verse 30
“If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.”
1. Read verses 16-21a. Why did Paul boast when usually he was reluctant
to talk about himself? (16-18) How did he rebuke the gullible Corinthians?
2. Read verses 21b-29. Why was Paul speaking as a fool? (21b) How did he
compare himself with the false apostles? (22-23a) What sufferings did he go
through as a servant of God? (23b-27) Despite many trials, what was his concern as a shepherd? (28-29)
3. Read verses 30-33. What did Paul resolve to boast about? (30) How did he show
his weaknesses because of his calling from the Father and Jesus? (31-33)
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