Mar 24, 2019

Joshua 10:1-43



Joshua 10:1-43

Key Verse 12

On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel:“Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”

1. Read verses 1-6. Why was the king of Jerusalem alarmed? (1-2) What did he do? (3-5) When the five kings of the Amorites attacked Gibeon, what did they do? (6)

2. Read verses 7-15. How did Joshua respond to the Gibeonites' plea?(7) How did God assure Joshua? (8) Describe how the Lord engaged in the war. (9-11) What did Joshua do by faith? (12) What happened? (13) What does this event reveal about the Lord God? (14-15)

3. Read verses 16-28. How did Joshua and the Israelites completely defeat their enemies? (16-21) What did Joshua do with the five kings and why (22-27)? What did he do with Makkedah? (28)

4. Read verses 29-43. How did Joshua deal with the southern cities? (29-39) What made Joshua subdue the whole region in one campaign? (40-43)

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