Jun 9, 2019

Mark 1:35-39



Mark 1:35-39

Key Verse 35

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

  1. Read verse 35. What did Jesus do very early in the morning? Why do you think Jesus left the house and went off to a solitary place? What can we learn from Jesus who prayed?

  2. Read verses 36-37. Why did the disciples look for Jesus? (36, 37) What might they have expected from him?

  3. Read verses 38-39. What did Jesus say to them? What can we learn from Jesus? (38) What did Jesus do? (39)

LA UBF Bible Study Materials

Copyright © 2024 LA UBF. All Rights Reserved.


Jun 9, 2019

Mark 1:35-39



Mark 1:35-39

Key Verse 35

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.


The words pray, prayed, or prayer occur 46 times in the four Gospels to describe Jesus’ practice or teaching on the subject. No doubt, prayer played a pivotal role in his life and work. He insisted that his disciples follow his example. Jesus served us as the Servant of God(10:45) to show how to rely on the Lord every moment. May the Lord help us to follow His role model in terms of becoming an effective servant to serve the living God continually. Especially help us to outgrow our emotional swing according to people’s praise or discouraging events in our daily lives and become a man or woman of prayer for God’s glory. Most importantly we may resume our critical priority as men and women of mission to serve campus mission through personal prayer in this crazy world, where constantly we are are being gravitated with so many seemingly urgent and necessary things. Amen.

  1. Read verse 35. What did Jesus do very early in the morning? Why do you think Jesus left the house and went off to a solitary place? What can we learn from Jesus who prayed?

1-1, Read verse 35.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

1-2, What did Jesus do very early in the morning?

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

  • Jesus’ time of prayer was very early in the morning during the fourth watch of the night, between 3 and 6am.

  • The term “prayed” indicates prolonged prayer rather than a minute like prayer. Jesus must have doggedly tired due to His busy schedule at the previous day.

  • Yet, before the sun rose, we find him this Sunday morning communing with the Father in prayer.

  • As a matter of fact, the sun rises gradually and morning provides a great time for prayer. Although morning is not the only time for prayer, there is practical value to starting our day with prayer.

  • Jesus did this by starting His day with prayer. Why? It is because to start your day with God establishes a proper perspective on the day.

  • It is great time for us to begin with a clean mindset, and focus our attention on God the Father, and be mindful of the mission, and depend on God for strength.

  • Jesus rose early, quietly getting dressed, tip-toeing out of the house, walking silently through the streets of Capernaum and climbing a hill outside of town where he could spend His quiet time of prayer before His Father in Heaven.

1-3, Why do you think Jesus left the house and went off to a solitary place?

Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

  • There is an obvious connection between praying early and praying in solitude. Solitude is necessary for our focus.

  • We are living in the society where people prefer noise environment with internet, TV, and sports. The kids are crying and telephone is ringing constantly.

  • We must get alone—get out if necessary. If you simply cannot rise before the distractions begin in your home, find a solitary place where you can go early in the day.

  • Maybe it will be a spot where you pull your car off the road on the way to work to commune with God as the traffic passes by.

  • Maybe it will be quiet room at work before it begins. Especially a housewife and mother who felt like solitude was impossible, but she rises early every day and pours out her heart to God!

  • Solitude is the only way to engage in prayer with the intensity that it deserves. Confession, thanksgiving, and petition can be done without any distraction. It is important that you will not pray like that in a public place. It requires solitude.

1-4, What can we learn from Jesus who prayed?

Personal application.

*Hebrews 5:7 reads,

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

  • According to recent daily bread passage based on 1 Chronicles 4, we may find how important it is to pray earnestly before God at any time and any place.

*1 Chronicles 4:9, 10 read,

Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.

  • Among all tribes, the tribe of Judah have been faithful to the Lord and led post exilic recovery movement such as rebuilding temple and Jerusalem wall.

  • Out of nowhere, Jabez was mentioned. He was more honorable than his brothers. The one and only reason was that he prayed to the Lord. It is worthwhile to examine the content of his prayer, for God granted his request.

  • His first prayer topic was that God may bless him. Often times people think that they would be blessed with their own idea with fame, rich, and family. But they turned out to be idols and curse. Jabez prayed that God would bless him truly in God’s own terms.

  • His second prayer topic was that God may enlarge his territory! He asked God to drive out God’s enemies, idol worshipping people around him. He prayed also to enlarge his territory with his disciples for God’s glory.

  • His third prayer topic was that God’s hand may be with him. He humbly asked God so God’s mighty right hand may be with him and win battles for God.

  • His fourth prayer topic was that God may keep him from harm so that he may be free from pain. His name was pain according to his mom who named him. But he was fatalistic to such name. Rather he prayed that God may turn it to blessing!

  • God granted his request. What really counts here is that Jabez was a man of prayer. As a result he became a source of blessing for the tribe of Judah and all mankind. May the Lord help us to grow up as men and women of prayer!

  1. Read verses 36-37. Why did the disciples look for Jesus? (36, 37) What might they have expected from him?

2-1, Read verses 36-37.

36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

2-2, Why did the disciples look for Jesus? (36, 37)

2-3, What might they have expected from him?

36 Simon and his companions went to look for him, 37 and when they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”

  • Simon and his companions went to look for Jesus. They even hunt down Jesus eagerly due to people’s demand to find Jesus.

  • The author, Mark pointed out that Peter was doing this as his leadership. No doubt, though he had good intention, “I will find Jesus and get him back on track. He may need a good manager like me”

  • But unfortunately his intentions were turned out to be inappropriate. Peter found Jesus and declared, “The people are looking for you”

  • Peter exclaimed. The word, “exclaim” means to cry out suddenly, in surprise. He must have said, “Jesus, what are you doing?

  • Ministry potential is booming after the performance last day and night, but you need to come and work the crowd, you need to build on our successes.”

  • Crowds gathered to him, but Jesus knew that this was not a mark of success. Peter became a distraction or a stumbling block for Jesus’ true ministry.

  • Sometimes distraction come from the people and from within(inside the circle of Jesus’ disciples, like Simon and his carnal heart).

  • Later Simon became a stumbling block to Jesus who was determined to take the cross boldly. Simon chose to take easy way by riding the tide of popularity rather than the path of suffering and cross.

  • People do not change easily. I believe that is what is taking place in this passage as well. But Jesus prayed. He prayed to resist the pressure of so called success and led His disciples including Peter to right direction.

  • Jesus prayed to remain focused on the task he came to accomplish. He prayed for the mission to be accomplished in God’s way, not the way of public opinion that seemed to be attractive. But it was deceptive. Simply He prayed because ministry itself is difficult.

  • Life is hard and we all have to make choices. How will I honor him? How will I serve him? How will I keep the main thing? How can I do this without first seeking him on my knees, pleading for wisdom and strength, and selfless devotion to God and his glory?

  1. Read verses 38-39. What did Jesus say to them? What can we learn from Jesus? (38) What did Jesus do? (39)

3-1, Read verses 38-39.

Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” 39 So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.

3-2, What did Jesus say to them?

38 Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”

3-3, What can we learn from Jesus? (38)

38 Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”

  • Jesus arose from his morning of prayer. He determined to leave behind the crowds pressing him for the spectacular, pushing him toward fame. “Let us go somewhere else-to the nearby villages-so I can preach there also”

  • Jesus added His statement, “That is why I have come.” Preaching was His top priority.

  • Again Jesus’ prayer life was the practical fulfillment of his mission. His communion with his Father resulted in His personal commitment to His mission.

  • When Jesus said, “That is why I have come,” he revealed the purpose of his coming to this world.

  • Jesus did not come to mainly restore health to the body, but to bring healing and life to the sin-sick soul.

  • Jesus came to this world not to achieve glory, fame and fortune, but to preach the good news of the kingdom of God to those suffering from sin.

  • Jesus mainly came to teach the word of God. It was the purpose of his coming. He prayed, and God revealed the main purpose of his coming.

  • “That is why I have come”! Jesus knew what he had come to do. He had come to preach the coming of the kingdom of God.

  • There are many who do not know what God would have them do. So they do what they think God wants them to do.

  • And in that way, they do not fulfill the will of God in their lives. But Jesus was certain of why he had come.

  • He is not only our Savior but he is our teacher and the one we must learn from in every aspect of our lives.

  • As he had priorities, we too must have priorities, not from what our hearts or heads tell us but from what the Lord puts on our hearts when we pray and earnestly seek his will.

  • I must ask myself then: “Have I come to achieve something for myself or have I come to fulfill God’s purpose in my life?

  • Is what I do a product of my own desire, even if it were a noble desire, or the product of prayer and of faith and submission to the will of God?”

  • Let’s learn from Jesus the priority in Christian life— teaching and preaching the word of God above all else. Amen.

3-4, What did Jesus do? (39)

39 So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.

  • Jesus took action accordingly. Praise Jesus!


We might be thinking, “I am just too busy.” We all admit that the busy schedule of our daily lives leaves us doggedly exhausted. But still the real problem is not the amount of time that we have, but what we choose to do with that time. It seems that we find the time to do the things that we really want to do. We will make the time for the things that are really important to us. If we say, “I believe prayer is important,” but fail to pray, our actions reveal what we really believe and value the most. Life could be more simple. Part of the reason Jesus had time and energy to pray the way he did was the simplicity of his life. He owned next to nothing and invested his life in people, ideas, conversations and relationships. These are thoughts worth considering. Prayer is basically a good starting point to make our priority right for God’s glory.

One word: Jesus prayed. Shouldn’t I pray too?



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