Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

Feb 19, 2023

Matthew 18:1-35


Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 18:1-35

Key Verse 4: “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

  1. V1-6. Why do you think the disciples asked Jesus “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”?
    1. Jesus said “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven”. Why do you think this is the case?
  2. V5-9. What do you think is the main point that Jesus is trying to teach in these verses?
  3. V10-14. What do you think is the main point of the parable of the lost sheep?
  4. V15-20. How are we supposed to treat a brother/sister who sins against us according to these verses? Why do you think Jesus provided this specific way of handling those who sin against us?
  5. V21-35. What do you think is the main point of the parable of the unforgiving servant?
  6. What might the theme or themes of Matthew 18 be? How might the themes in this teaching apply to the disciples’ original question?

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